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Seokjin hummed to the soft music playing in the kitchen as he removed the freshly baked cookies from the oven. He smiled at the perfect chocolate chip cookies, taking a deep breath of their sweet smell that wafted through the kitchen. 'Hmm Sarangie will love this.' He figured a sugary breakfast wouldn't be too bad just this once, because he missed her.

His daughter was still sleeping, he was away on a business trip for the past 2 days and had returned late the day before. Although he had been welcomed by Taehyung yesterday already, his daughter had already fallen asleep. It was his day off and Taehyung had a photoshoot so he was excited to spend the day with his beloved Sarang, just the two of them.

He shook his head as he remembered how workaholic he was before, and how now he couldn't wait to finish work everyday to come back to his family. He even took advantage of his power as the law firm boss and took 3 days off. His business was more flourished and he had more employees so he could afford to do that, although he still handled the bigger cases, with Hoseok and Jungkook as his right hand men.

4 years ago after he woke up from his coma, his father had taken him into a tight hug, apologizing to him profusely and promising him to make it up for him. He released him from his promise and gave him his blessing to do what he wanted.

And so he got closer to his parents, they adored baby Sarang so much and were always visiting them, and once they got to know Taehyung they were also charmed by him. His father especially was very attached to Sarang, holding her the entire time and speaking to her softly or playing with her whenever they visited, Seokjin couldn't believe that the alpha was his cold and hard father, but he was happy his angel Sarang could melt her grandfather into a better and gentler man.

Taehyung, on the other hand, began working as a freelance photographer after finishing his courses. It suited him since he had his own hours and could usually stay with Sarang, as they didn't hire a baby sitter.

"Sarang, darling, it's time to wake up." Seokjin shook her shoulder gently, watching as she blinked her large brown orbs, so identical to his own, open and gave him a wide sleepy smile.

"Daddy!" She put her small arms up, making grabby fingers at him and he picked her up, hugging her tightly. "I missed you daddy." She gave him a wet kiss to the cheek and he laughed at her, ruffling her hair. "I missed you too baby. Have you been good for papa?"

"Yes! I slept early and I even ate the apser- apsar-gus." She frowned as she tried to formulate the word, but couldn't exactly remember it. "The yucky green thing!" she huffed.

Seokjin laughed at the frustrated baby "It's asparagus love. You did great!"

She beamed at him "Did you get me a present like you promised?"

"Of course! Come on let's eat breakfast first then I'll give it to you." Seokjin smiled at her pout, knowing she was impatient to receive it already.

"Aww don't be sad Sarangie, I made you pancakes and cookies! But it's a secret, don't tell papa we ate all those sweets ok? Shh."

The girl giggled happily sticking out her pinky finger for her dad to entangle with it in a promise.

"I promise daddy. Shh." She whispered and he laughed at her serious expression, kissing her head and putting her down to walk towards the bathroom, helping her in brushing her teeth and combing her hair.

"Wait daddy! Can tete eat with us too?" She grabbed Jin's pants and tugged, for them to go back.

"Sure. Do you want jinjin too?" Seokjin handed her the tiger plushie that was slightly worn out, smiling as he remembered his and Taehyung's first date. It was Sarang's favorite toy plushie now, she went everywhere with it, and couldn't sleep without it, no matter how many other toys she got she always preferred tete.

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