ash lynx | husband material

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You growled in annoyance as you rubbed your temples, easing yourself to regain patience and temper.

It's already 12:00 in the midnight yet you we're still making notes for your back-up explaination for your report presentation for tommorow.

"Dammit!" You cussed whisperedly and hardly slapped both of your cheeks as your eyes we're attempting to close.

You were typing on your keyboard but all of a sudden, your phone vibrated for an incoming messenger audio call. You grunted and grabbed the phone from your bed and answered it without knowing it was your boyfriend, Ash.

"Hello?" You greeted in a sing-song tone as you sat on your swiveling chair once again.

"Why are you still awake?" The Lynx scolded from the other line.

"How did you know?" You chuckled and placed the phone on your shoulder, pressing it together with your cheeks as you continued typing on your laptop, completely focused on what you are doing. "You should be sleeping too, you know." You laughed.

"I saw you were active." Ash replied.

"Hmm.." You absent-mindly replied. Ash raised his eyebrows while he was standing at his apartment's balcony, What the heck has gotten into you? Were you doing something? In the middle of the night, really? was all Ash could think of, you seem busy.

"What are you doing?" Ash asked and jumped on his bed.

"Nothing." You lied. You don't wanna bother him, you could just be pain in the ass.

"Stop lying." Your boyfriend scoffed in the other line, making you sweatdrop. You sighed and leaned on your chair for a while, stretching your shoulders, arms and knuckles.

"Okay, okay chill. I'm doing a powerpoint presentation for tomorrow."  You yawned. He suddenly ended the line, making you blink in confusion. 'What's with him?' You pouted and shrugged your shoulders.

Not long after waiting for another call, you started making notes again with your right hand while you were typing on your laptop with your left hand. Well, it's multi-tasking, time is gold. It's already 12:15.

What has gotten in to your mind? Making your powerpoint and taking notes the day before your presentation? Of course, there was 1 reason behind it and it was all because of Shorter. Yes, you're right, the only Shorter Wong.

The day before yesterday, Shorter gladly offered you a drink when you visited Ash on his apartment. You were too gotten in to it and finished a whole bottle of beer. He was even complimenting you for being so strong to handle that kind of alcohol.

And yesterday morning, you had a massive headache and thew up, you can't even face your laptop and make a powerpoint. That why you declined Ash's offer of you two going out just to make it on time, well it wasn't.

You screamed in frustration as you repeatedly slammed your pen. It's out of ink. "Not now!" You began to panic and opened the nightstand, looked under your bed, and opened your cabinet just to find a brand new pen. There's no stores open right now, and you should find one or else you're dead.

While busy looking for a pen, you heard a knock from outside. You stood up and slowly went through the door, peeking into the window and saw Ash standing outside with his clothes soaked wet.

'It's raining?' You thought as you looked into the surrounding.

"Ash, why are you standing there?! Come inside!" You scolded and opened the door, pulling Ash inside. "Just stay here, I'll go and get a towel." You quickly ran into your room and grabbed a towel, went downstairs and rushingly covered your boyfriend with it.

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