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Danny, Sam and Tucker sat on chairs facing one of the counters in the Fenton Works Lab. Jack stood in front of that same counter.

"So Danny," Jack said, moving some things around on the counter. "You and your friends have decided you want to hunt ghosts?"

Danny, Sam and Tucker looked at each other. Danny spoke first. "Actually Dad, I wanna be an astronaut." The 14 year old waved a hand at his NASA shirt.

Sam, crossing her legs and tapping the clunking soles of her docs together, said, "Sorry Mr Fenton, I was into ghosts, but their so mainstream now. Their like cell phones."

Tucker looked incredulously at Jack. "Waste all these good looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts?" He crossed his arms and turned away making his oversized yellow sweatshirt bunch up. "Criminal."

Jack didn't seem to notice the three denials and continued on his merry way. "Well if you do want to hunt ghosts, there's a few things you need to learn." He then explained what ghosts were and Danny really should have been paying attention but his binder was sitting funny and Sam's leg bobbing kept distracting him. That was when his ghost sense went off and two spectral octopi squeezed their way out of the closed portal doors.

Danny scrawled at them. He glanced at Sam and Tucker who had both gasped when they noticed the ghosts, then at his dad who had his back to the portal. Danny jumped at his chance. He leapt for the ghosts. A ring of light appeared around his waist. The flash should have been noticed by his dad, but it wasn't. So he shrugged and started beating up the squids.

Unfortunately, the ectopi had the upper hand as Danny had no idea how to control his powers. He flipped midair accidentally and slammed sideways into one of the ectopi. He smiled when he saw it get knocked across the room. An ectopus grabbed Sam and Tucker and lifted them into the air. Danny felt his pulse quicken. He kicked the ghost in the face. It dropped his friends. He grabbed it by the tentacles and threw it at the other ectopus. Both made a noise of distress and flew back into the portal.

Danny changed back. His dad turned at the flash.

"That's the Fenton Portal," he said with pride in his voice. "It releases ghosts into our world whether I want it to or not. Someday, I'll figure out how that works too."

Sam was still holding the Fenton Thermos that Jack has given to her. Tucker had a hand clutching at his sweatshirt and was very nearly hyperventilating. Danny's pulse was still racing. He frowned slightly as he realised he probably shouldn't have s pulse in ghost form.

"Look at you kids," Jack exclaimed, gesturing to the three of them. Danny leant against Trucker's chair and tried to get his breath back. "You're too excited to speak, so I'll go on speaking. I was born many years ago in a log cabin in the woods..." Danny rolled his eyes.

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