Good kid's

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Sam sat neck deep in meat. Tucker was so going to pay for getting her kidnapped by a meat ghost. Speaking of ghosts, where the fuck was Danny? It shouldn’t have taken them this long to find her.
“My dear child,” said the stupid ghost. Sam really really hoped that she wouldn’t have to break her own ideals as well as kosher because some ghost is trying to kill her. “Meat is good for kids! It helps them grow and makes them smile!” She demonstrated how to smile. Sam just frowned deeper. “Why won’t you eat it?” She held out a chicken leg to Sam.
“We don’t need meat,” She snapped, leaning back as far as she could. That move put her closer to a pile of sausages than she would’ve liked. “That’s fact.”
The Lunch Lady’s demeanor changed again. She growled. Wind whipped around them. Sam’s hair blew into her face and she had no way to push it back. “SILENCE! You need discipline, manners, respect!” The ghost floated closer to her again. “You know where that comes from? MEAT!” The wind stopped as suddenly as it had begun. The ghost lifted up the chicken leg again, as well as a fish. “Chicken? Or fish?” Sam was going to die down here.
Behind the ghost, Sam saw the glow of her best friend. Finally. Danny smacked into the Lunch Lady with the best punch she had ever seen him do. The ghost went flying and Sam tried to follow the fight as it moved across the room but with just her head free, she couldn’t.
That was when Tucker came running with a knife and fork. He started cutting at a steak on top of the pile. “I’ll have you out of there in no time Sam!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” She groaned, rolling her head back. Sam could sort of see what was going on in that position. Danny was about to kick the ghost in the- Nevermind. She caught him around the ankle and lifted him up like he weighed nothing. Which was probably true, Sam mused, seen as they were currently floating.
“See?” The ghost yelled as if Danny was proving her point. “This is why you need meat! You’re skin and bones.” She hurled Danny across the room. Sam was starting to see a pattern in this fight. Shish kebabs levitated from boxes and set themselves on fire. They then hurled themselves at Danny, who was lying waist-deep in a wall.
HE stood up. Sam watched the realisation that the shish kebabs were coming dawn on his face. Then something weird happened. She really meant that. She’d had a weird day but watching Danny split himself in half at the waist to avoid oncoming shish kebabs topped everything else. Sam saw his surprised smile and guessed that he hadn’t meant to do that.
Somewhere out of Sam’s line of sight, the Lunch Lady growled. Then the wind picked up again. The meat she was sat in floated away, including the bit Tucker was about to eat. Then Sam noticed that the meat from the boxes was floating towards the ghost as well.
With her meaty form returned, the Lunch Lady grabbed Danny around the waist. Next to her, Tucker lifted his knife and fork in determination. “Help’s on the way, buddy!”
Before either of them can do anything, least of all eat the meat monster, the ghost threw Danny at a wall. He harmlessly passed through it but that left Sam and Tucker with no defence. The meat monster turned towards them. “Run?” Sam asked
“Run,” Tucker agreed. He dropped his knife and fork and they ran. But just before they reached the door the ghost blocked it with a pile of meat.
“Why must it all be meat?” Sam grumbled. “I really need a shower.”
“We’ve got bigger problems,” Tucker whimpered, poking her. The ghost had lifted her hands and was clearly preparing to launch more meat at them. “I don’t want to die surrounded by meat I can’t eat!”
Danny grabbed them and flew through a wall, just as the meaty fists were launched. Sam heard the impact as they appeared on the other side. Sam looked up at her ghostly friend. “Gee Danny,” she said. “Fighting meat monsters, flying through walls, you must be exhausted.”
Danny gave a weak protest. “What? Of course not, what would give you that i-” But before he could finish he passed out. Luckily they were barely 2 feet off the ground so they just tumbled.
“Sam,” Tucker said, wearily standing up. “If we stay here the ghost is going to come back and Danny can’t fight it in this state.”
“You’re right,” She agreed. “Skip?”
“For our own well being.” They each grabbed Danny, Sam around the knees and Tucker around the shoulders, and started carrying him towards Fenton Works. “Did I ever tell you about my fear of hospitals?”
“Are you really making small talk as we carry Danny home?”
“What? It’s a long walk!”

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