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Tucker pushed the door open and saw the ghost. "This shouldn't be so bad, she looks a little like my grandma," he said as Danny came up next to him.
"Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?" Danny asked.
The ghost turned. "Hello children, can you help me," She said in a quiet, gentle voice that put the three of them at ease. "Today's menu is meatloaf but I don't see the meatloaf. Did somebody change the menu?"
Tucker pushed his glasses up and then pointed at Sam. "Yeah, she did."
"YOU CHANGED THE MENU?" The ghost screeched, flames coming from her eyes and her skin turning red. "THE MENU HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR 50 YEARS!" Her appearance shifted back to the softer lunch lady look and she held up a plate. "Would anyone like cake?"
Tucker nodded, Sam did too. "TOO BAD!" Back to the red. "CHILDREN WHO CHANGE MY MENU DO NOT GET DESSERT!"
"Get behind me," Danny said, trying to sound brave. His voice wobbled so it wasn't that effective. Still, Tucker and Sam jumped behind their ghost powered friend.
"Wow, I feel safe," Sam joked.
"I'm going ghost!" Danny yelled, suddenly sounding more confident. There was a flash, rings passed over him, and then there stood Danny but significantly dead-er. Danny pointed at the lunch lady ghost as the last of his transformation rings traveled along his finger. “I command you to,” HE paused uncertainly before continuing with much less confidence. “Go away.”
The ghost just laughed at him and sent every unwashed plate flying at him. He gaped before focusing and went intangible. The plates flew right through him and smashed into the wall. He returned to physicality and smiled.
Sam gasps and Danny launches himself into action. He threw himself in front of Sam and caught every single plate. When the plates were heading for Sam Tucker had dived to the side, but now more plates were heading straight for him. Just before the plates hit him, Danny moved in front of him and caught those plates too, all in large stacks. A couple of plates were clamped between his teeth.
With all the plates precariously balanced on his arms, Danny flew across the room and put them all back. He dropped the ones from his mouth and looked his reflection on the weirdly shiny surface. “If this superhero thing doesn’t work out I could have an exciting career as a busboy,” He joked to his reflection.
The ghost behind him growled. “I control Lunch. Lunch is sacred. Lunch has rules!” She yelled before waving her hand at the ovens. They bounced and rocked into life. She growled to herself and flew up through the ceiling. The three stoves spat green, ghostly flames and started to bounce towards Sam and Tucker. Tucker grabbed Sam and pulled her out of the way of the flames. One of the ominously glowing stoves turned its artificial attention on Danny. It spat flames at him. He dodged upwards.
All three, once again head in Sam and Tucker’s direction. They had gotten faster since they came to life. The two humans backed away but soon hit the wall. Danny threw himself over the green flames and smashed into his two friends. They all tumbled through the wall. On the other side, they remained airborne for a few moments.
Then they roll onto the ground, smacking into lockers on the other side of the hall. Danny’s head slid right through one of the doors. He immediately stood up and looked at his white-gloved hands. “Hey!” He exclaimed. “It worked!”

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