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"See ya Jazz," Danny yelled as he ran off towards the school. Sam and Tucker waved at him as he approached the front steps.

"Hey Danny," Sam greeted him.

Tucker frowned at him over one of his phones. "Somethings different about you," he said, shoving his phone into one of his cargo shorts pockets.

"Hey, er yeah we have PE today so I put on a sports bra," Danny said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing.

"That's not it," Tucker all but yelled. "You're not wearing a t-shirt!"


"You heard me," he said, clarifying. "You're wearing a sweatshirt today. I was beginning to think you were a cartoon character with how often you wore that red and white shirt."

"Hey I have several of those," Danny defended himself. "They came in a multipack."

"Keep telling yourself that. I'm on to you cartoon boy." Tucker pointed two fingers at his own eyes and then reversed the hand at Danny. "I'm watching you."

"Okay," Sam said, looking between Danny and Tucker. "Well that happened. Let's go, I think the bell just went."

"Yeah okay," The boys said heading off after Sam. They reached the stairwell they were going to and then Danny started talking as if they were continuing a conversation.

"I mean, it's been a month since the accident and I still barely have any control. One slip and I go from geek to freak around here," Danny stage whispered and crossed his arms dramatically. He didn't notice he was already waist deep, and still sinking, in the floor.

"Kinds like what you're doing now?" Tucker asked, looking down at his friend completely nonplussed.

"Say Danny did you shrink?" some kid asked as they walked past. Sam and Tucker pulled him out of the ground but he stayed low, sat against the wall. The kid, Wes, did a double take.

"Very funny Weston," Danny said, masking his panic as best as he could. "Grade School rang, they'd like their jokes back."

Wes grumbled and moved on.

"Maybe I should just tell them?" Danny asked his friends as they continued up the stairs. He waved one hand at himself and the other vaguely in the air. "If my parents can invent a machine that accidentally makes me half ghost why can't they invent something to change me back?" He continued walking, hands in his pockets, and didn't notice as he walked straight through a vending machine. Sam and Tucker ran to stop their intangible friend before he walked right through Wes.

"What's the point?" Sam asked. "Parents don't listen and even worse they don't understand. WHY CAN'T THEY ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM?"

Danny and Tucker looked at her. "Er Sam, we're talking about my parents, my powers."

"Oh, right," Sam said, a little self-consciously. She straightened her skirt. "Me too..."

Danny continued then as if Sam hadn't had her little outburst. "They already accept me as their son. How much harder could it be to accept that I'm what, half dead?"

"Let me just run those numbers." Tucker pulled out an iphone. He pretended to type in a calculation. "There's a 100% chance of total failure. Danny, your parents are ghost hunters."

"Exactly why they'd be best suited to help me."

"You said it yourself Danny," Sam said, as she started them walking towards class again. "It's been a month. Do you really think they'll believe you're story after that long and not just think you're overshadowed?"

Danny agreed.

Lunch came around eventually and Danny, Sam and Tucker walked towards the cafeteria. Danny tried really hard to stay solid for the whole journey (he walked through one bin and sank twice) but because of how hard he was trying he started floating a little at one point. Sam grabbed his backpack and pulled him down before he noticed. 

After Danny had tried to pick up a lunch tray three times he gave up. Sam put one on the shelf for him and he gave her a grateful look. Then he glared at his hands.

"Danny, your powers make you unique," Sam told him, giving him a side hug (a big thing for her as she usually didn't touch people). "Unique is good. That's why I'm an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian."

Danny chuckled.

Tucker raised one eyebrow above his glasses. "What's an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian?"

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it," Danny explained. "It's an inside joke."

"Now I know how you feel when we do that to Sam," Tucker said. "Just to clarify, you are actually vegan right?"

Sam rolled her eyes and didn't answer. "I actually got the school board to try a vegan menu."

"You did what?" Tucker yelled. That was when they got to the counter. Vegan lasagne, salad, jacket potatoes with vegan toppings, and veggie burgers.

Danny frowned. "Is that grass on a bun?"

"One turfwich," the lady serving said as she dumped the grass-bread on his plate.

"Don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?" Danny asked, lifting his turfwich.

Another one landed on Trucker's tray. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

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