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Sam stood up almost as quickly as Danny, only almost as she couldn't ignore gravity. "THIS IS THE THANKS I GET FOR THINKING LIKE AN INDIVIDUAL!" As she yelled, the lights flickered An unnatural wind blew through the corridor. Lockers banged open on either side of them. Sam and Tucker inched towards their ghostly friend. Paper swirled around in the rapidly increasing wind. Pens, books and lunch boxes flew from the still banging lockers.
Tucker sniffed. "Steak!" He cried out as various joints of meat floated down the hall, swirling in the artificial wind. "Ribeye! No, porterhouse. Medium rare." Danny gave him a weird look. "But where did it come from?" A stray piece of paper got caught on his glasses. "Lancer!" He growled, pulling the paper from his face.
At the other end of the hall the Lunch Lady ghost appeared as Danny's breath fogged. The meat spiralled into a tornado around her. It engulfed her completely. The wind died down. Paper fluttered to the floor. And as everything settled, stood in the middle of the hall, the Lunch Lady's new outfit was revealed. She had become some kind of meat monster. SHe had covered herself head to toe in meat. She clenched a meaty fist and pointed at the three teenagers. "Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the five food groups!" Then, her demeanour changed. She held up a cookie and asked if they wanted it in her sweet old lady voice. Sam, fearful of what might happen, shook her head slowly. The sweet old lady vanished again. "THEN PERISH!"
Danny slid protectively in front of Sam. "The only thing with an expiration date her is you!" He yelled, pointing at the ghost. HE didn't notice but there had been slightly more force in his yell than he had intended. A ring appeared around the end of his finger as his energy seemed to drain. It travelled down his arm and across his body. In moments he stood there in a gray sweatshirt and blue jeans. His red sneakers squeaked in a way his hazmat boots didn't as he shifted his weight. "Whoops," He said, staring at his bare hand. "I didn't mean to do that."
The ghost roared at him, spraying him in what he hoped was just meat juices. "Now that's just gross," He complained, shaking his hands and then his hair.
Her response was to grab him by the arm with a greasy, meat covered hand and fling him across the corridor, right into Tucker. Both boys slammed, hard, into the lockers.
Tucker sat up first, wincing slightly. "Come on change back," He cried helplessly, shaking the half ghost next to him.
Sam screamed as the meaty hand of the ghost Lunch LAdy grabbed her around the waist and flew off.
"We gotta go!" Tucker yelled as Danny finally sat up.
A ring was just starting to form around Danny's waist when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. The ring dissipated. "You two," said the owner of the hand. Danny looked up to see Lancer was the one who had a hand on each of their shoulders. "Aren't going anywhere."
Behind the teacher stood two of the jocks; Dash, who was grinning, and Wes, who was scowling.

Lancer lead the 4 teenage boys to his office. Inside he sat behind his desk and pulled out three school records. Danny glanced at the names on the three folders. Daniel J Fenton, Wesley Weston, and Tucker Foley. He frowned. Wes was in trouble too?
"Wesley Weston," Lancer started, opening the folder. "As it is outside the basketball season Mr Weston, need I remind you that you should be working hard to keep your grades up and stay out of trouble." Wes flinched at the reminder. "You seem to have a record for being boisterous in the library, but otherwise no trouble. Tucker Foley, chronic tardiness, talking in class and repeated loitering outside the girls locker room." Tucker grinned. Danny felt like thumping him. "Danny Fenton, 34 dropped beakers in the last month, banned for life from handling any fragile school property, but no severe mischief before today." Lancer slammed the three folders down on his desk. "So Gentlemen, WHY DID THE THREE OF YOU CONSPIRE TO DESTROY THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA?"
"Mr Lancer," Wes said, timidly raising his hand. "I wasn't-"
"You weren't involved?" Lancer asked, turning towards the ginger basketballer. "We'll get to you in a moment. Mr Fenton, Mr Foley?"
"Dash started it," Danny complained. "He threw-"
"Four touchdown passes in the last game and is thereby exempt from scorn."
"That's hardly fair," Tucker complained. "Dash has shoved Danny into his locker three times since school started."
"Mr Fenton," Lancer turned back to Danny, the anger no longer on his face. "Is this true?"
"I usually managed to get out," Danny said, scrunching his shoulders up to his ears.
"Alright, punishment is not exempt," Lancer said, he pointed at Dash. "From any of you."
"But I didn't-"
"Mr Weston, we will discuss your involvement when I have sorted out Mr Baxter," Lancer turned to the blonde boy who was looking far less smug now that he was getting punished as well. "Follow me Mr Baxter. You three need to wait here." With that, Lancer and Dash left the room. The door closing behind them.
As soon as the door shut, Danny and tucker stood up. Tucker sniffed. "That meat is still in the building," he said, turning to Danny. "200 yards tops."
Danny nodded and looked around. He noticed the surveillance equipment in the corner. Looking from display to display Danny noticed something odd. "Hey Tuck," He said, pointing to one of the screens. "Check it out, meat trail."
"YOu guys are so weird," Wes said, spinning around in his chair to look at them. Danny and Tucker jumped. "You know that right?"
"Nowhere near as weird as you think Wes," Danny muttered, trying to think of a way out of this situation.
"Whatever," Wes said, standing up and walking to the door. "I'm not hanging around here. Later losers."
Danny dropped his shoulders and blinked. "Well that was easy," he said as a ring appeared. Whilst the transformation was still underway he grabbed Tucker and phased through the floor. Tucker yelled. As they passed through the floor, Danny heard Lancer open the door.
"Gentleman, your punishment will be-" There was a brief pause as he took in the empty room. "Worse than you can imagine."
"Opps," Danny said as they came through the basement ceiling.
"Sweet mother of mutton!" Tucker yelled as he ran towards the boxes piled all over the place. "I dreamed of it but I never believed it was real!"
Danny blinked at him. "How is it I'm the trans boy with ghost powers, but your the weird kid?"

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