Chapter 30: Exploring

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30. Exploring

When I woke up the next morning it was raining through the trees.

And Tony's arm was around me.

My face was pressed against his metal chest and I must have shifted on top of him unconsciously while I slept. I knew he was awake, as I could feel his cold fingers lightly running through my hair. He must have taken his gauntlet off during the night.

I froze, and then shifted slightly. His fingers stopped moving, and I yawned and sat up beside him. He gave me an easy smile as I scowled at the rain. At least I was dressed in decent clothes, though they weren't exactly waterproof.

The first thing that Tony did was put every part of his suit back on so he was ready for anything. He frowned at the broken boot, and tested its power. When he was content that he could still fly, he landed beside me and pulled out the clear liquid-filled syringe out of his arm compartment.

"What's that?" I asked, eyeing the needle.

"Your cure."

"I thought you said it would take a while to make?"

"I work fast. Plus I had nothing better to do," He shrugged carelessly.

I was silent this time as he injected me with the liquid, knowing that he wouldn't intentionally cause me pain ... I hoped. I still feared needles, but I force myself to behave.

When he was done, he put the needle away, and studied me intently.

"How do you feel?"


It was true - I did feel tingly ... at first. I could feel the liquid spreading through my veins, boiling my blood, and sending pins and needles down my arms and legs.

I gasped in pain as the liquid reached my heart, making it burn like a supernova. I staggered into a thick tree trunk, crying out in pain.

"It's just the chemicals in the cure fighting the venom - don't panic," Stark said quickly, looking slightly worried but mainly confident in his concoction.

"It hurts!" I snarled, clutching my chest above my heart.

"I know," He said comfortingly, putting a hand on my red-hot arm. He took it off half a second later, wincing as he felt the heat through the metal.

"I can't ... take it ... much longer. Help me!" I cried out in agony.

"You're doing fine, the cure's working. Look at your hands!"

My hands were beginning to burn with bright orange flames. Tony took a few cautious steps back, his mask flipping forward to cover his face as the flames turned blue, burning brighter and hotter. The rain was evaporating before it came within a metre of me.

The flames spread over my arms and legs, and I could feel the familiar feeling of energy as my magic flowed. I could feel my eyes glowing orange, and the flames spread until I was completely alight. Even my hair was crackling and sparking.

I put my hands over my heart, and couldn't help the explosion. My arms flew wide and I winced as the flames blasted away from me in a deadly wave, sending Tony flying backwards into the air and singing the trees.

He flipped backward in the air and managed to get control before landing on the ground about 15 meters away. I was breathing heavily, back to my usual non-burning form, and struggled to keep myself from falling to my knees after the vast amount of magic I'd used.

My magic must have been growing inside me every time I would have normally used it, but as I couldn't it had increased until it finally burst out of me into a deadly explosion as soon as I could use it again.

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