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I hate walking slowly. It's the worst! Especially, when you're in a hurry and there are people everywhere. My Thinker walks beside me. Her eyes are fixed at the direction we're walking. We meet an intersection. There are people everywhere.

We're in the center of the city. So many people shopping and chatting. People sipping lattes at the small cafes everywhere. I hate this. I really hate this. My Thinker doesn't even notice all of the people around us. She is fixed at finding him. Which I really appreciate, but her gaze is scaring the crap out of me.

Ember, could you maybe try not to stare?

"Sure", she says and blinks.

Thank you. You are kind of creepy, when you're doing that.

"I sometimes forget that I'm supposed to act natural, so I'm not scaring you", she says mechanically.

I know, which is why I keep reminding you. One would think, you were able to remember at this point.

She doesn't answer. She slows down and the stops.

"Tempest, I see him", Ember says. I feel my heart beating faster.



I look a little to my left and sure enough - There he was.

The target.

My goal.

He looks up and notices me. A smile is spreading on his face. He waves. I wave back at him and I feel the corners of my mouth expanding. I walk a little faster and finally reach him.

"Hi Tempest, I missed you so much!", he says and pulls me into his arms.

Oh yes, I sure missed this.

"Ace! Missed you too! How have you been?", I ask, while I bury my face in his chest. He's well-built now. I can feel his muscles under my cheek. That's a new feeling.

"I've been great! Don't I look great too?", he asks and pushes me away a little, so his hands are resting on my shoulders. I look at him. His face is now more characteristic than before. His playful brown eyes are still the same. I like that. He cracks a smile. My gaze is strolling downwards. His jaw? His jawline is so sharp now. I look at his shoulder and arms. They are massive too. He really changed, but he's still the same on the inside. I can feel that.

"Tempest, it's getting awkward", Ember says, pulling me out of my stream of thoughts.

Oh shit, how long have we been standing like this?

"Approximately two minutes. It's not awkward for the two of you, I was talking about myself and everyone else. People are staring", Ember says with carelessness in her voice. I blink and move my eyes to our surroundings. Ace lifts his head and do the same. And sure enough, people are staring. Not at me though, just at Ace. His new looks are impressive. No one looked at him like that before, and I look at him again. A light breeze blows and starts playing with his ebony ringlets.

I lied.

I always looked at him like that before.

Ace looks at me again. Then he reaches down and presses him lips (his beautiful, beautiful lips) gently at my cheek. I live for moments like these.

"Get a room", someone says behind me angrily. Ace lifts his head and looks over my head to look at the owner of the angry voice.

"Excuse me?", he says. I try to turn in his arms, but he's clutching my shoulders.

"I said 'get a room'. I did not sign up for two love-making brats blocking my way today", the deep angry voice continues. I see Ace's face drop. Now I'm pissed. I sweep his hands off my shoulders and turn around.

"Listen here, you ass, did we do anything to provoke you? No, we didn't! I haven't seen my friend here in several months, and I won't accept a blockhead like you to come and tell us to 'get at room', while I'm trying not to cry out my eyes of pure happiness. So, can't you just stop being a blockhead and get out of my fucking sight? Thank you!", I say. I look at Blockhead. His blue eyes are blazing with anger. Is his hair gray?

"Yes", Ember says.

Thanks for the enlightment, but now is not the right time.

"What a creative vocabulary you have. Maybe you could use it in the bedroom next time. It would be my pleasure to make you spew words like that later", Blockhead says and starts grinning. I look beside him. A blond man with deep green eyes is laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Stop", the man says. "Stop right now". The man talks calmly to Blockhead.

"Listen to your friend", I say. "Unless you really want to get yourself hurt". I feel Ace freeze behind me. The two guys in front of me do the same.

"Tempest, wh- who are you talking about", Ace asks.

"The guy behind the blockhead", I answer and point at the man. The man is not moving. Blockhead looks at me.

"You can see him?", he asks. Now I'm confused. Why wouldn't I be able to see him?

"Tempest let's go", Ember says seriously. The man behind Blockhead moves.

"We go", he says. "Now!".

I see Blockhead move. He takes a step backwards. Then he stops. He looks confused and vulnerable for a second. Then he starts grinning.


"Tempest, not now", she answers.

Yes now! What's going on?

"My name is Jax", Blockhead says. The man behind him is shocked. He tries to stop... Jax?

"My friend here is Demon", he continues. The man looks despairing at Jax. I can clearly see the "facepalm"-expression in his face.

"He's my Thinker".

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