5 Day Untill The Purge

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From the day I walked into that class, I felt this strange discomfort. Like there was always someone watching me. Waiting for me.
Its gotten worse recently... Since the the leagues attempt to kidnap me.
I turned around to see 3 boys each extreamly handsome in there own way eyeing me. The greenette quickly looked away and covered his now bright pink cheeks, the duel haired boy continued to stare through me as if not noticing I had turned around at all. The blond just barked an aggressive, "the hell are you looking at!" In my direction before scoffing, blushing and turning away.
Itd gotten out of hand, they'd all been like that since the incodent. They'd gotten over protective, clingy as if they where scared I'd be snatched away the second they took there eyes off me or maybe they're waiting for a chance to snatch me away?
I look away nervously heat ticked my cheeks.
I know I should feel safe having 3 heroes watching my back but.. With the Purge coming up having 3 stalkers doesn't exactly sound like fun.
I turn away and hang my head low tears threatening to trickle down my cheeks but I hold them back. I slouch into my desk not hearing the teacher talking as I look down at my phone. Pulling up the calender I sigh, 5 days until the Purge.

1 month earlier-

The training camp sounded like so much fun at first.. I gasp letting the hot air enter my lungs, blue flames closed in around me as a man with spikey black hair approached me, his stitched up hand outstretched.
"What do you want?!" I screamed over the sound of roaring flames that threatened to consume me. My ice quirk making me extremely sensative to the overwhelming heat.
He let out a low deep chuckle, "isn't it obvious hotstuff? We want you!"
I lifted my hand to try to use my ice but all that came from it was a splash of water.
Unlike Todoroki I'm unable to regulate my temperature, my ice will always turn into water when I get too warm, I've been trying to control it. In the future I could even use the water as a secondary quirk but right now... I look at the stitched up villian who has small useless trickles of water dripping down his face, its useless.
Another man snuck up behind me wrapping his hand around my throat, "Shigaraki?"
The man cackled placing his other hand around my stomach to hold me in place. His pinky fingers extended outwards as to not disintegrate me. "I'm glad you remembered me, beautiful."
I couldn't move a muscle too scared of what might happen if that pinkie finger lands on me, "how did you find us here?"
Both Shigaraki and the burned villian laughed in unisen the sound was so threatening that It made my heart skip a beat.
Shigarakis chapped lips graised my ear as he spoke, "not everyone in UA is a pristine little hero like you."
"A traitor?!" I yelled, my face turning pail. My entire body trembeling.
"Now... Lets get you back to the base, you lost this game."
I felt the hands lift from my face and neck for a moment. My eyes suddenly fixate on the white cloth holding his hands back.
"Get out of there!" Aizwa screamed.

The Purge (Purging Bakugou, Izuku, Todoroki & Shigaraki × innocent reader) Where stories live. Discover now