part 2

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Chapter 2

The train had just stopped and everyone was getting out, as James and me stepped out of the train Malfoy walked pass and pushed James into the train really hard.

'that's it!' I screamed 'who the hell do you think you are you little git'

'no one talks to me like that' he said, you could see the frustration on his face, he was bright pink

'well maybe someone should' I replied

' you screaming at me for this pathetic mud-blood, wait till my father hears about this'

There was now a crowd of people forming around us

'grow up Malfoy, your 17 act like your age, enough with the mud-blood'

By now we were both in each others faces screaming at each other at the same time, thats when Hagrid appeared and stopped the argument and took us straight to professor Mcgonagall.

'well what seems to be the problem' she asked curiously

Me and Malfoy both started shouting at the top of our voices trying to tell our side of the story.

'ENOUGH!' the professor shouted

'you two really need to grow up, you are meant to be setting an example for the younger children not fighting in front of them'

Me and Malfoy exchanged angry looks

'you will both have 50 house points taken and detention every night for one week

'what' we both shouted in shock

'one week just for this' I argued

'yes one week because I am hoping that this detention will put an end to your arguing and discipline you two, now no more questions, get to your rooms'

Me and Malfoy both left the room without saying a word but as soon as we got outside he opened his big mouth

'this is all your fault'

'Malfoy just shut up and walk away, I cant bother with you anymore' I replied

'see' he said 'your the one starting the argument'

'no I'm not starting the argument your the one who opened your big mouth first, you always do, what did James do to you? Nothing, so why do you always have to make stupid comments?' I asked

'I don't need to explain myself to you, anyways I have better things to do then argue with you and get detention' and with saying that he walked off in the other direction looking quite suspicious.

What was he up to? I thought to myself as I made my way to the gryfindoor common room.

In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now