In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) part 13

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Chapter 13

Draco's pov

I just had an argument with Snape about my mission. I got angry and walked away but as I turned the corner I banged into katelyn. At first I was shocked to see her because I thought she might have heard me and Snape but thankfully I don't think she did.

I have been trying so hard to ignore her. I though the more i see her the more I would start liking her and I couldn't have that happening because I need to concentrate.

She thought I was angry with her but I reassured her as she told me that she looked really hurt. Could this mean she likes me?

What am I kidding, why would she like me and if she did like me she wouldn't be with James.

The next day James had a go at her during breakfast then took her out of the hall. As i made my way out of the hall I over heard them. They were talking about sleeping with each other. At first I felt like my heart had just been ripped out my chest but then it turned out that they didn't sleep with each other after all. The next thing you know katelyn is smacking James across the face and ran off crying. It hurt to see her cry but it felt so good to see her slap James.


I didn't see katelyn in any lessons, lunch, dinner or around the school since breakfast. I hope she's okay

I looked around the whole school and couldn't find her it was almost midnight but i didn't care i just wanted to see her. then I overheard some slytherin girls in the common room saying that they saw her in the astronomy tower so I made my way there.

I went to the astronomy tower and there she was. As I made my way towards her I realized she was still crying, it hurt to see her like that. At that moment i felt like going and teaching James a lesson he wouldn't forget but I decided that it would be better if I stayed with her. She probably needed someone to talk to.

Katelyn's pov

As Draco put his arm on my shoulder I couldn't help but start crying even more. Before I knew it my head was on his chest and I was clinging on to him so hard.

I slowly felt two strong, warm, safe arms raise and hold me closer. I felt so safe and secure in Draco's arms. It was like no one could hurt me while I was with him. He broke apart from me and I was still crying my soul out.

'what happened' he whispered

'never mind' I replied

'well' he started

'you have completely soaked my shirt so you might as well tell me the reason to why it's soaked' he said trying to lighten up the mood

'you can tell me you know, i'll understand' he said reassuringly

After a slight silence and once I was calmed down I started

'yesterday me and James were in the room of requirement and well one thing lead to another and we were about to.... You know

Draco nodded to show he understood but I could see the anger in his eyes

I carried on

'I stopped him from doing it and he got angry at me and started ignoring me and then today at were there' I started crying again

'hey...hey' he tried getting my attention so he could say something but I carried on crying uncontrollably

He got me from the shoulders shook me hard to get my attention, then he put his hand under my chin and lifted my head so i was looking straight into his eyes.

'if James is going to throw away a two year relationship just because you won't have sex with him then you know that he doesn't deserve you. Tell me Katelyn, do you really love him?' Draco said seeming curious

I stood there and though, why was I thinking? If I loved james I would have answered Draco by now. Do I love him?

'I don't know' I replied

'you know what a friend told me katelyn'

I closely started listening to what Draco was saying. He took a step forward and came closer. We were inches apart.

'if your not sure about something, close your eyes, the first thing you see is what you want, in your case the first person you see is who you love' he whispered

Draco sounded so sweet. The way he looked at me sent shiver through my body

I done as Draco said. I close my eyes hoping to see James but that isn't what happened.

As I closed my eyes all I saw were those piercing grey eyes, the glowing pale skin and the dashing blonde hair. I saw Draco Malfoy.

I suddenly opened my eyes in shock seeing Draco only inches away from my face.

He saw my reaction and asked

'who did you see? He said smirking

I just stared at him in silence. I didn't even notice but by now I had tear rolling down my cheeks again.

He came closer

'who did you see? he asked again

Now I noses were practically touching, both of us were breathing hard and heavy. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster just like the other day. Draco being so close to me made my whole body tingle.

He asked me one last time.

'who did you see?'

I whispered with even more tears falling down my face


Draco's whole face lit up and he gave me a reassuring smile which said that everything will be fine.

As I felt another warm tear fall from my eye, Draco's cold, soft hand approached me and touched my cheek. As he wiped my tear away he came closer, he gently put his arm around my waist and pulled me in. His soft lips pressed against mine, it was the most amazing kiss of my life. As Draco kissed me that's when I realized he was the one, the one I wanted, the one I loved.


As me and Draco broke apart we both looked at each other straight in the eyes and he smiled at me. I saw a whole new Draco

I was no longer crying. Draco wiped away any tears that were left on my face, cupped my face and pulled me in again. He pressed his lips against mine and all my mind was saying was stop but my heart was saying this is what I want.

Draco brought his hands from my face down to may waist and pulled me closer. As we were kissing he was running his hands up and down my back and I was running my fingers through his hair and over his cheeks. I could feel his body heat against me. He slowly made his way down to my neck. He was gentle and slow. As he kissed my neck I uncontrollably let out a quiet moan which seemed to turn him on. He lifted his head and pushed me against the wall and started kissing me on my lips again, this time the kiss was more determined but still gentle. Once again he made his way to my chin then down to my neck. Our kiss was getting more and more serious and i loved it however all of a sudden Draco stopped, he looked at me and slowly backed away.

'I have to go' is all he said and then he left

What just happened? what did I do?

Once again my eyes started to sting and tears were rolling down my face. I sat down on the floor where I was standing and buried my head in my hands.


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In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now