14. Let's just forget/Nothing happened

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"Hey man."

"Heey!" Ash cheered as he high five'd Gary Oak and Drew Hayden who came to join him at the bar. Drew was a friend from university and Gary was a childhood friend. "What's up?"

"Oh, don't!" Gary punched his childhood friend on the arm. "You date and don't tell us? Come on, man! That's cheating."

"And it's Misty Williams! Damn man." Drew chuckled.

"Yeah..." Ash sighed heavily. He shrugged and leaned back on the sofa seat. "It was sudden."

"Suddenly, you find yourself dating Misty Williams and living with her." Gary spread his arms. "How great is that? She's so hot!"

"I know. She's a bomb."

Usually, Ash had similar conversations with Gary and Drew about girls being bombs and hot, but this time, he didn't want to call Misty a bomb, or even hot.

"That body, man - I mean, how do you deal with that?" The two men laughed. "It's so delicious!"

"Uhm, okaay..." He let a nervous chuckle as he sipped his beer.

"Ash is adorable but I guess having breaks from him is good too."

Misty has attached her hair in a random bun, took off underwear and settled for a large shirt from Ash's side of the closet. She was a model indeed, but she liked to have those 'ugly moments' now and then, to unleash the stress of having to look perfect all the time.

Misty sat on the couch and turned on the TV. It was the moment the door burst open and Ash showed up.

"Oh, hey!" Misty looked for something to grab and hide the breasts poking out under the shirt with but found none. She put her arms around her chest. "You're early."

"Yeah, I am." Ash didn't seem to be drunk. His steps were stern. Misty hoped he was drunk. At least he wouldn't notice she was underwear-free.

"Are you okay?" Misty noticed he was walking toward the couch. She shoved to the side in hopes that he wouldn't sit too close.

"Misty." He looked at her.

"What-what?" Misty pulled the shirt down. She really hoped Ash wouldn't recognize his shirt.

"Did I ever upset you?" He frowned. "Made you uncomfortable? Look at you in a way that bothered you?"

"No, no, no." She shook her head. She tried to get up but Ash made her sit down.

"Uhm, Ash, you smell like beer, you know..." Misty waved her hand in front of her face. Her cheeks were staring to flush.

"I don't get why I was sharing those conversations with the guys before!" He complained. "I can't believe I talked about women like that! Can you believe it? We gave them a number out of ten!"

"That's not..."

"I don't want to give women a number out of ten!" He snapped. "Every woman is beautiful in her own way! Why would you give someone a number out of ten? That's low!"

"Want some pancakes?" Misty rushed toward the kitchen and grabbed a pan.

Ash turned around. He went and stood against the counter, leaning forward, pulling closer to Misty.

"Huh?" She panicked.

"I couldn't stand the way they were talking about you." He looked her in the eye. "I used to talk like that, but now I can't. You're a human being, not an object."

"..." Misty's breathing hardened.

Ash's lips were starting to move slightly.

"I-..." Misty put down the pan.

Ash moved to the other side of the counter. He stood facing her, not recognizing his shirt, or even telling if she was wearing underwear or not. He was just looking Misty in the eye, nowhere else.

Misty leaned forward as the same time as Ash.

Their kiss didn't feel fake. It wasn't for anyone. No one was walking past them. They were alone, no one was coming for a visit. No one was going to see this kiss. It was just him and her, in the kitchen, kissing; Misty on her toes, Ash on his feet; her hands on his shoulders, and his hands around her waist.

It felt like a lifetime.

Pulling away, eyes locking again, panic regained them. Misty stepped instantly to the back. Ash did too. They were blushing, ashamed of themselves.

"I'm so sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

"I really didn't mean-"

"I don't know-"

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't-"

"Let's just forget!" and "Nothing happened!" were said at the same time. Ash and Misty looked at each other.

"Okay." They spoke in union.

Misty grabbed the pan again. "Pancakes?" the redhead developed a weird satisfaction from making pancakes, not eating them and giving it all for Ash to eat.

"Yeah, okay." Ash always got excited over pancakes. "When they're still hot, put the chocolate inside."

"Alright, mister."

Yes, it was the same. Nothing happened.

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