Food Taster Test - Part 2

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Peter pv:

Okay so I had convinced him to come with me but what now, we are supposed to be going on a taster test around New York but i don't exactly know where. I made this plan on the spot, I should actually ask him if he wants to do this or not first. 

"Um Mr Loki I was going to take you around New York to try some food and snacks but I realised that I don't know if you want to, so..." I started weary of my tone in case he was still angry.

" It's okay child I would never do anything hardly raise my voice at you. And I wouldn't mind something to eat, I forgot as I got caught up in Stark's joke." He said with a tone that i hadn't heard come from him ever before, it was as if he actually cared. I took the chance for a little tease.

"Aww, Mr Loki I didn't know you cared that much about me!" I practically squealed.

"If you dare say a word to anyone about this I will go back to Asgard this instant," he warned. Okay Peter time to lighten the mood up again.

"So what do you want to eat first: Ramen, Hot dogs, Milkshakes, Bagels, Shawarma or my personal favourite Delmar's Sandwiches." I listed.

" Lets see what this Hot dog is, I have had Shawarma before with Thor so we can skip that. Then after that we can have Ramen and Bagels then put your food taste to the test with Delmar's Sandwiches and end with a dessert, Milkshakes." Mr Loki ordered. I was surprised he remembered all that.

~Time Skip brought to you by Frigga~ 

Peter pv:

So it has been 3 hours since we have been out and I have found out that Mr Loki doesn't like Hot dogs or Bagels but loves Ramen, Mr Delmar's sandwiches and anything sweet. We should get going now Mr Stark and the rest will probably start to worry in a bit.

"Mr Loki I think we should start walking back to the tower now it's getting quite dark." I suggested.

"I agree arachnid we should go back now."  he said smirking at the the new nickname. I groaned but got off the bench and followed him out the park.

Loki pv:

Peter got up and scampered behind me like a puppy. Today went from the worst day to a great day, what would the team be like without him. I cant even imag-

"CRASH!" the sound interrupted my thoughts but I turned around to see what happened. A group of bandits had broken into a corner store.

(A/N- Can someone tell me if 'corner store' is the right term because I'm British so I had to search up what to call it) 

I turned to my right to see if Peter was okay but I was greeted with Spider-man what the hell is he thinking.

"Peter what in the 9 realms are you doing, this isn't even a mission!" I whispered as the whole world didn't know his identity yet.

"Mr Loki we have to stop them, just because it's not a mission it doesn't mean we cant help. It's like you don't have to be told to do something good you should do it for yourself like a cent in your pocket-money jar you do a good thing everyday and it'll come to help you in the future." he explained hurriedly. I guess I understand I mean it's an odd concept for me as I'm the God of Mischief and all but I would do anything for Peter.

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