Food Taster Test - Part 1

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Tony pv:

I returned to a surprisingly silent compound, and an even more shockingly sleeping Loki. His head was leaning on something brown. Something brown and curly - OMG that brown and curly something is Peter's head! What had that bastard done to him! I specifically told him not to go anywhere near Peter.

"LOKI!" my voice boomed across the penthouse. Soon enough The Avengers were by my side and afetr taking a single glance at what I was looking at also got into their fighting stances.

Peter pv:  

I just woke up to Mr Stark screaming Mr Loki's name, wait Mr Stark is screaming at Mr Loki what am I still doing on the couch! Mr Loki was now also stirring from his nap. 

"LOKI!" Mr Stark shouted again. I got up to see the commotion, realising all the Avengers were also their. Clint with his arrows, Aunty Nat with a gun in her hands, Steve with his shield, Bruce just standing there with a tinge of green on his temple, Wanda with red particles swirling around her hands, Bucky also with a gun out, Scott without his suit on still in a fighting stances though, Thor with a face of genuine shock, and Mr Stark with his suit already forming around him.

No, no, no, no they probably think that Mr Loki was hurting me. I jumped when I felt something next to me move, it was just Mr Loki getting up and standing in front of the team. I ran as fast as I could in between them to prevent a fight breaking out.

"Guys Mr Loki hasn't done anything to me I am fine, we were just watching a movie and we fell asleep, I'm fine!" I tried to explain as calmly as possible, but failing and looking at Mr Loki to back me up.

"Listen to the child, we were watching an animated version of a book," he sighed. The tension in the room thankfully broke. There were a lot of sighs, grunts and grumbles from across the compound. Thank Odin that Thor was also present to reassure the others as well, whilst that was happening I walked up to Mr Loki.

"Sorry Mr Loki, the others are quite protective of me. I don't even know why I can take care of myself." I explained. 

"No worries child I can understand why you are very precious," he chuckled. I blushed slightly, and went over to Mr Stark.

"Kid are you sure that you are ok?" he asked me, I guess he was still unsure of Mr Loki.

"Yeah Mr Stark I promise I'm fine Mr Loki is good now, remember?" I said trying to calm him down.

"Firstly it's Tony and yeah but you tell me if he does anything bad to you. Capiche?"

"Capiche," I replied.

3rd Person pv:

It had been a week or more from when Loki met Peter and ever since Peter came to the compound everyday afterschool to hang out with Loki. Loki was still a little confused at why Peter was so nice to him but he didn't not like it was just that no one ever wanted to be near him let alone talk to him except Thor and Frigga. So Peter was a new experience for him but he loved Peter none the less. 

Loki pv:

Today was a frustrating day for me since I woke up. I woke up an hour late then usual meaning Stark had already had his coffee and was gonna be hyper. So I got out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen walking over to the The Sage Smart Tea Infuser Compact STM500CLR Tea Maker.

 (A/N I don't exactly know what this is I just searched up expensive tea machine on Google so don't judge.) 

"OMG Loki could this morning get any better, I need to take a picture of this. OMG I cant handle this!" Stark started cackling with laughter. I ignored him as I just wasn't ready for this without a cup tea to clear my head but he the stopped laughing looked at me, then started laughing again.

So I took a moment to look at myself then ran out the room and back to my room closing the door behind me. I was wearing the Team Loki pyjamas that Thor got me for Christmas.(A/N the pic at the top I couldn't find any other proper ones so just use your imaginations a bit.)

 Oh God! Stark is never going to let me live this down. I changed out of my clothes and walked back into the kitchen as nonchalantly as possible. But of course life hates me so I was greeted by my oaf of a brother Thor, and Stark laughing hysterically. They stopped when they noticed me, Thor then got up and walked up to me.

"Brother I am flattered by your affections towards my Christmas gift for you," he said being the cocky idiot he is. You could hear Stark snickering in the background, I stopped what I was doing just to glare at him.

"Oh come on Reindeer Games, we were just having a bit of fun," he replied. I just groaned and carried on with my morning routine. As if this was the end of it. As soon as the rest of the team were up Stark just had to open his big mouth.

"Guys guess what I saw this morning," he said trying to keep his laughter in.

"I swear to Odin Stark I will kill you if you say a single word of what happened!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

"It'll be fine it's not that bad, brother you have faced worse," Thor sighed. Such an oaf. It took about half an hour for them to get over the ungodly picture of myself. Honestly what a bunch of fools by brother is friends with. All that could save me now was Peter when was he going to be back. As if my prayer was answered by the Gods he walked in.

Peter pv:

I just finished up at school today, it was great because I aced my chemistry test and bonus happiness 'cuz Flash wasn't here today. Anyways I am walking up to the door of the Avengers Tower right now. Sometimes I have to convince myself that this isn't real. I reach the Penthouse floor and am greeted by a very frustrated Mr Loki and the team laughing at something on Mr Stark's phone.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked whilst walking over to them.

"Oh no, Peter don't go it's nothing important," Mr Loki said worryingly. I think it might be about him. Oh god it was a picture of Mr Loki in Team Loki pyjamas. Only one word came to my head. Vulnerable.

 "Mr Loki don't feel bad, I have Avengers pjs as well and so do the team," I said trying to calm him down, I guess that didn't help because he just got more frustrated.

"7" he said through gritted teeth. I was taken aback by the reference to the little game we invented and seven also meant that it was bad. What can I do? We could go out. Yeah that could work just need some air and, and Food! Yeah like a little New York Food Taster Test.

" Ok then Mr Loki lets go out for a walk?" I said weary of my tone. I got no verbal reply but instead a little grunt and he followed my out of the Tower.


Hey guys I just wanted to say um sorry for not introducing myself I will do it in one of the next chapters but hi. My name is Nayila and please feel free to comment, vote and share. Thanks

Bye, My little cups of Tea


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