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Gar paces the Tech room nervous, guilt eating him from the inside out and stumbling with his words. Dick sits on the hair, trying to track any signs of Jason with the tracker Bruce out on them. I'm resting against the cold wall, biting my lip and hoping he's alright. Hoping that stupid reckless kid hasn't gotten himself killed just yet.

"Tell me again."

"We-we figured out Dr. Light was in the train tunnels. Jason wanted to prove to you that he wasn't a reject." He says and I close my eyes, throwing my head back against the wall. Of course he wanted to prove himself to Dick, but taking on Dr. Light alone? That's just stupid. "Then Jason said to split. I heard a scream and he was already gone."

"Why were you out there on the first place?"

"Dick." I warn him when he snaps at Gar, voice cold and sharp as one of my blades. It was stupid and reckless and would have perfectly gotten both of them killed. Shit maybe Jason is already dead. But coming at Gar now would take us nowhere.

"On your own. Without weapons. No back-up."


"I just need details. Specifics. Just write down everything you remember. I'm searching for hi tracker right now." Dick says handing Gar a notebook and a pen.

We stare at the screen, watching and waiting for the ninety-nine percent to be over. But when it changes nothing appears. The tracker is useless to find Jason. Gar opens his mouth slightly, trying to find words. I can't see Dick's face but I know him well enough to know he's furious at both Jason and himself. At Jason for doing something so fucking stupid and at himself for allowing this to happen. I walk closer to dick, resting a hand on the control table and scanning the map.

"The satellite can't track underground, can it?"

"If Jason is still down there, all that concrete and stone, it would mask the GPS signal from the satellite." The green haired teen agrees.

"Hey, why don't you go and make some coffee? Sit down and think and write that list, yeah?" I ask him, touching his shoulder in what I hope is a comforting way. Gar just nods, looking one last time at the screen before leaving the room. The doors closing behind him, leaving just us. "Do you think you should call him?"


"Bruce. Do you think you should call him?" I ask, tearing my eyes away from the screen and looking at him as he types on the computer.

"No. This is my mess. We'll get Jason back."

"Jay's his kids, Dick." I say softly. I knew they had just started to get over their issues and that Bruce had trusted Jason to him. He was scarred. Scarred of losing Jay, scarred of losing Bruce if he lost Jay. He was terrified of having his little brother die on him, I knew that. However, part of me still felt like this was something Batsy would know.

"He's my brother too, my responsibility. I know that, Kat." He practically spats before running his hands over his have and hair. Breathing down and looking at me for the first time since we walked into the room. "I'm sorry. I- You were right. About everything, about me, about how I handled this... Jay is there because of me. Because I treated him like... like a reject. And now if he-"

"Hey, no." my hand grabs Dick's hand, my always so cold hands melting into his. "Look at me, Grayson. Jason's not going to die. He's going to be fine. He's tougher than you and Bruce think he is, alright? We're not going to let him die."

I'm not letting another kid die on me. I'm not going to let another person I care about die on me. We're getting the little bird back.

"We should probably call the rest too. But this time I'm staying, you're not doing this shit without an outsider point of view."

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