A/N - Intro <3

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Hii, so I've just started this account and as ianowt has just been released on Netflix i thought i'd make some imagines and maybe some actual books if i come up with any ideas!

I'm going to start writing just Stan for now but then if anyone has any specific requests for any of the other characters i will write them!

I haven't seen a lot of Stan fics yet, which is understandable as the show only came out a week ago! So get sending in requests if you have any ideas <3

This is my first time writing imagines so if you have any comments on how they could be improved or if they are absolutely awful just drop a comment and i'll try my best to improve.

So please pm/dm any requests or comment some (pm would be more ideal!) and i hope you enjoy this book? i don't really know what to put on this so i guess happy reading and remember to keep streaming ianowt!!

love, liv <33

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