wakee uppp (not crestive at all lol)

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Dave woke up in a cold sweat, breath heavy as beads of sweat streamed down his face.

Why did he dream that?

He didn't know, and would rather not know. He got out of bed, checking the time.


He decided to get changed, so he'd have enough time to get to school and get a timetable. He put on his usual, red jacket, black ripped Jeans, pink mask.  The usual, casual clothing.

He sighed, getting up and going downstairs. "Morning sweetie" Dave's mom smiled, giving him some toast and a bag with his lunch in. Dave set off to school, waving goodbye.

'It was only a dream'

his mind tells him, but, something inside him tells him...

It wasn't just a dream..

He shakes the feeling away, putting his earphones in his ears and playing some songs. The genre being Techno music.

Ironic I know.

His feet dragging him, having memorised the path, he decided to walk instead of get the bus.  People. He hated people.

Time skip

He got his timetable and homeroom number. (Is that what a tutor/form is called in America?)

Number 14.

Was he cursed?

'Why did everything correlate to 14?' He asked himself, rolling his eyes, shaking it off as a coincidence, he walked into the room, sitting down, bag off along with his headphones, he sat there, in silence.

He thought back to the times where he'd get homeschooled with Pete and Phil, how he did all the maths for them, how they were all so good at English they didn't bother teaching him. His thoughts were disturbed, annoyingly to him.

"Oh! There's a new muffin Zak!" A boy shouted a little loudly as 3 people came into the room. Dave looked away from them, staring at the window.

"We should leave him alone, he seems.. intimidating" a french accent whispers, although Dave heard it, meaning they're a loud bunch. He hoped he wouldn't have lessons with them.

"Oh, hey Justin!" A louder voice says, a boy walked in. "Go away" he says calmly and quietly, sitting next to Dave - his seat was there, originally.  The 2 sat in silence. Not bothering to say a word, liking the quiet energy radiating off eachother.

"Good morning everyone!" A young woman walked in, sitting at the teacher's desk and turning the computer on, her loud voice boomed as she caught the attention of her students, the chit chatter and murmuring of the group going silent.

"Today, we have a new student joining our homeroom, would you like to introduce yourself?" She turns to Dave, a soft smile pursed her lips.

"Uh, hey, my name is Dave" he sputtered out, going quiet after and looking down. The teacher nodded and paid her attention to the screen, starting the register.

( :) I hate registers so uh fuck tHaT)

Dave was on his way to class,until he got stopped and pushed to the side. "What the fuck?" Dave growled, pushing the boy away, the boy only smirked.

"Oh, you think your hard huh, new boy?" The boy smirked, only being a little taller than Dave

(idk if it's true, but whatever)

"I don't think. I know." His voice laced with anger, sheltering the scared nerves. The taller smirked, patting him on the back.

"How about some friends eh?" Dave's brow raised at the question. "You expect me to be friends with y-" "Wiley! The fuck you doing?" Another boy,  shorter, walked up to the tall boys, arms folded.

"Oh come on Harvey, he has potential right?" The boy, Wiley, smirked as the other, Harvey, shook his head. "Fine." They looked at Dave, who's face showed no emotion.

He sighed.

He needed friends..

"Sure.." he smiled slightly, the other 2 highfived.

He hoped it would be fun.

And that they wouldn't leave him...

But something felt wrong...


Words: 640

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Since my books are actually being read, does this mean I'm worshipped or some shit?

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