Chapter Five

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Ashfur awoke on the ground with the morning sun shining in his eyes. His body ached, as he hadn't slept in his nest. He stretched his jaws in a yawn and blinked the sleep from his eyes. Once he was more alert, he noticed that Hawkfrost was cuddled up next to him, asleep.

Wait, Ashfur thought anxiously. Why am I not in my nest? What is Hawkfrost doing here?

Then it clicked.

Oh, no, I must have fallen asleep last night when I was with Hawkfrost!

Ashfur leaned over and nosed the sleeping brown tabby. "Hawkfrost? Hawkfrost, wake up!"

Hawkfrost murmured sleepily as his eyes fluttered open. The large tabby stretched as he said, "Good morning."

"How did this happen? When did we fall asleep?" Ashfur asked frantically, rising to his paws.

"You mean when did you fall asleep?" Hawkfrost corrected. "You drifted off while you were leaning against my shoulder. You must have been tired last night. I didn't want to disturb you, so I stayed, and ended up falling asleep myself."

"You mean we fell asleep together on the RiverClan border?" Ashfur repeated. "Great StarClan, did any cat see us?"

Hawkfrost shrugged and bent over to lick his paw. "I don't think so."

"How are you not worried?" Ashfur pressed.

"I don't know," Hawkfrost asked. "I can come up with an excuse for just about anything."

"Even being caught sleeping with a ThunderClan cat?"

"I'm sure I'll think of something," Hawkfrost assured him. "But you should probably be heading back to ThunderClan. Your Clanmates are probably wondering where you are."

Ashfur felt a thorn pierce his heart. He looked down at his paws. "I don't think they miss me at all. I doubt they noticed at all."

"Hey," Hawkfrost chided, nudging Ashfur. "Don't say things like that. There has to be at least one cat who would notice."

"I know, I know," Ashfur said. "But part of me doesn't want to leave."

Hawkfrost purred with amusement. "Understandable. I am pretty great."

"You are!" Ashfur blurted. "More than you know."

Hawkfrost flicked Ashfur's nose playfully with his tail. "I can't have you missing out on your warrior duties, but we can meet here again tonight."

"Gladly," Ashfur purred.

"Good," Hawkfrost agreed as he started to pad away. "And Ashfur?"


"I hope you have a good rest of your day," Hawkfrost told him, before hurrying off into the woods.

You too, Ashfur added to himself. He gazed after Hawkfrost before padding back to ThunderClan territory.


The rest of Ashfur's day was boring. As he expected, no one had really missed him while he was away, unless you included Brambleclaw, who was more angry than worried that he had showed up late to patrol. It was hard for Ashfur to make a decent excuse, but luckily, there was no need. No cat wanted to hear what he had to say anyways. 

"Come on, Ashfur, we're going on a hunting patrol," Brambleclaw ordered. "Along with Thornclaw, Cloudtail, and Brackenfur."

Ashfur felt his pelt prickle irritably along his spine. He had always had a disliking for Brambleclaw ever since he stole Squirrelflight away from him, but now that he knew that he was secretly seeing Hawkfrost, it made him hate him even more. 

Why am I so angry that he's seeing Hawkfrost? Ashfur thought. I shouldn't accuse him for being disloyal. I sneak out to see him, too.

"Come on, Ashfur," Brambleclaw called, snapping Ashfur out of his thoughts. "The fresh-kill pile is getting smaller, and we need to catch some prey. We don't have time for you to be daydreaming all day."

A low snarl rumbled in Ashfur's throat as he padded up to join the four other toms. Brambleclaw had only been deputy for a quarter moon, yet he was acting like he had control over all of the other cats. It's not like you're Clan leader.

However, as the five of them padded through the forest, Ashfur started to think. Well, I suppose that Brambleclaw will be leader once Hawkfrost kills him in the fox trap. 

It was a rather unsettling thought, Brambleclaw becoming leader. But if killing Firestar was the way to make Squirrelflight suffer the same way he did, then it would be worth it in the end. Then an idea popped into his head. Maybe somehow I could kill Brambleclaw once he's leader and make Squirreflight suffer even more...

Then he shook the thought away. What have I become? I can't kill Brambleclaw. That would make me a murderer, and I know that Hawkfrost is close to him. I don't want to make Hawkfrost suffer.

"Ashfur!" Once again, Brambleclaw's mew cut through Ashfur's thoughts. He looked at Brambleclaw, who was narrowing his eyes, annoyed. "What is with you today? Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?"

Ashfur snorted. "Of course I am!" That was a lie, but he wasn't going to admit that to Brambleclaw. "Quit acting like you're so high and mighty just because you're the Clan deputy! You're not the leader, for StarClan's sake!"

Ashfur gasped, suddenly realizing that his outburst had caused Cloudtail, Thornclaw, and Brackenfur to glare at him questioningly. Why did I say that? 

"Alright, fine," Brambleclaw mewed softly, clearly trying to contain his anger. "If you think you're so much better than I am, can you repeat to me what I just told you to do?"

Ashfur's mouth hung open as he wordlessly stared at Brambleclaw. He hadn't been listening to him. For StarClan's sake, why am I so stupid?

"That's what I thought," Brambleclaw mewed stiffly. "Next time, think before you challenge your deputy. Go back to camp, Ashfur. We'll handle the hunting patrol ourselves."

Ashfur opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. Instead, he bushed out his pelt and hissed at Brambleclaw before turning to the ThunderClan camp. I didn't want to go hunting, anyways.


A/N: Sorry there wasn't too much fluff in this one. I'll try to add some more HawkxAsh next chapter!

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