Chapter Six

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Ashfur sat in the warriors' den, half-heartedly gnawing at a dead mouse in his paws. The rest of the cats were gathered round the fresh-kill pile, sharing tongues and having a good time. Ashfur seethed with envy as he noticed Brambleclaw presenting a rabbit to Squirrelflight, and the two of them lovingly touching noses.

Whatever, Ashfur thought. His whiskers twitched irritably as he took another bite of his tasteless mouse. Nightfall is drawing closer, and I'll get to see Hawkfrost again. 

Ashfur swiped his tongue across his lips after taking his last bite of his prey, then he rose from his nest. I think I'll go wait by the border right now. There's nothing better to do.

Ashfur peered out of the warriors' den and saw the sun setting through the trees. Hawkfrost had told him to meet him by the border at dusk. Dusk was almost here, so Ashfur might as well use his time to walk to the border and wait for him there.

He gave his pelt a quick shake, sending dust flying in all directions. Ashfur cautiously glanced around the clearing. There were so many cats, and he was bound to get noticed. Then again, no cat ever seemed to notice him anyways. 

Ashfur slinked past the several cats in the clearing. He quietly padded through the ThunderClan camp, almost nearing the woods outside the camp, until he heard a sharp voice call, "Ashfur!"

Ashfur whipped around and saw Brambleclaw padding toward him. Ashfur suppressed an eye-roll as he saw Brambleclaw's stern expression. What will it take to get to get this stupid cat to leave me alone?

"Where do you think you're going?" Brambleclaw pressed, sitting down in front of Ashfur. "Why are you leaving camp?"

Ashfur stifled an exasperated sigh. "I'm not a kit, Brambleclaw. I'm allowed to leave camp when I have the time on my paws. It's dusk, it's not like I have any warrior duties."

"Unless you can tell me where you're going, I won't allow you to leave camp." Brambleclaw's tail twitched expectantly as his glare burned into Ashfur's pelt.

"Why? It's not like leaving camp is against the warrior code," Ashfur argued.

"Don't think that I haven't noticed you sneaking out lately!" Brambleclaw hissed. "Where exactly have you been going? Are you seeing another cat? Because that is against the warrior code!"

Ashfur tried to keep his fur flat. What a hypocrite. Hawkfrost tells me you visit him all the time. How dare you come over here and question my loyalty when you're visiting Hawkfrost just as much as I am! But he kept his thoughts to himself. If Ashfur told Brambleclaw that he knew he was seeing Hawkfrost, Brambleclaw would question why he knew that, and then Ashfur wouldn't be able to make a good excuse to why he knew. 

"I've been hunting," Ashfur explained simply. "I need time to clear my thoughts. Is that such a crime?"

Brambleclaw looked as though he wanted to say more, but instead he rose to his paws and padded away.

"You better be back by nightfall," Brambleclaw called over his shoulder.

What? Nightfall? That's not fair! But Ashfur didn't argue. He just wanted to see Hawkfrost, even if it was for a moment. 

Ashfur bounded into the forest, following the scent of RiverClan to the border. With each step, he felt his frustration and jealousy wash away with the thought that he was going to see Hawkfrost again. 

As he neared the RiverClan border, he saw Hawkfrost's dark figure, still as stone, sitting and waiting for him. A purr rose in Ashfur's throat as he ran faster to join Hawkfrost at the border. 

Hawkfrost noticed Ashfur running toward him, and he stood up and purred. Ashfur rushed over to Hawkfrost and joined him at the border. 

"Hello, Ashfur," Hawkfrost greeted, his blue eyes glittering with friendliness. 

"Hi," Ashfur squeaked, feeling his fur grow hot. Why am I acting like this? Why is my pelt growing hot with embarrassment? Ashfur shook his head.

"Are you alright?" Hawkfrost asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I just-" Ashfur paused to sit down next to Hawkfrost. Finally, he could sit with him in peace. But then he remembered Brambleclaw's words. You better be back by nightfall. Ashfur's excitement and happiness started to fade away. "Well, not really."

"What's the matter?" Hawkfrost asked, scooting next to Ashfur. Their pelts brushed together just slightly, and it sent a shiver up Ashfur's spine.

"It's Brambleclaw." Ashfur didn't know how Hawkfrost would react. They were brothers after all, and Ashfur was aware of how much Hawkfrost cared for him. "He's just been so bossy lately. He treats me like a kit. He caught me trying to leave camp, and he said I'm supposed to be back by nightfall."

Ashfur expected Hawkfrost to jump to Brambleclaw's defense, but instead, he gazed at the sun that was just barely peaking over the hills. "Nightfall? That's so soon."

"It is." Ashfur was distracted by Hawkfrost for a moment, wanting nothing more than to just rest his head on his shoulder. What? Why am I feeling like this? 

"Well, that's shame," Hawkfrost murmured, standing up and walking away. Ashfur suddenly felt very cold without Hawkfrost at his side. No! Please come back!

"You should head back now," Hawkfrost said. "Night will come soon. Why don't you meet me here at moonhigh, while every cat is sleeping?"

Ashfur nodded sadly. He wanted to spend more time with Hawkfrost. Stupid Brambleclaw. 

"I'll see you later," Hawkfrost said, walking further away.

"Yeah." No! Don't leave!  "See you later."

Ashfur's heart sank as Hawkfrost darted away into the woods. He wished he could have spent more time with Hawkfrost. He knew he was going to see him at moonhigh, but he wanted to spend time with Hawkfrost now. 

Why do I want to spend so much time with him, anyways? Ashfur thought as he started trudging through the forest. I just feel so... attached to him. Every time I'm with him, I feel so comfortable. I haven't felt this way since...

Ashfur stopped in his tracks as he came to a sudden realization. He hadn't felt this way since Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight? He was in love with her. Could it mean...

Ashfur's heart soared at the thought, but there was no denying it.

He was in love with Hawkfrost. 

A/N: Oohie. Things got spicy. Lucky for you all, the next chapter should be out shortly since I have LOADS more time to write now. So stay tuned!

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