Chapter Nine

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A/N: It's been a hot second since I've updated, huh? Well, without further ado, here's the final chapter! This is the last chapter of this fic, but fret not, because I plan on writing different warriors-related fics. I'm probably either going to do Squirrelflight/Moonlight or Graystripe/Firestar next. I also plan on writing an original story featuring my warriors OCs. But enough of all that, you all are here for HawkAsh. Enjoy the chapter!

TW// Graphic depictions of violence and gore

Ashfur quietly crept through the bushes along the lakeshore. He tried to keep his breathing steady, but his heart was racing. At any moment now, Firestar was going to be caught in the fox trap. Then Squirrelflight would suffer the same pain he did.

Ashfur's tail twitched. Was he really sure he wanted to do this? It had just been a mere idea floating in the back of his head, but now, they were actually executing his plan. This was when it was going to become real. Firestar was going to die. 

Suddenly, soft pawsteps sounded through the woods. Through the branches of the bush, Ashfur could see the bottom of Hawkfrost's dark paws. Hawkfrost sat down and waited expectantly. Ashfur stifled a purr at the sight of him.

He was soon followed by another set of pawsteps. Ashfur couldn't see the tom's face through the bushes, but the undeniably orange paws could belong to none other than the ThunderClan leader.


Ashfur flinched at the sharp sound, followed by a loud yelp. Firestar fell to the ground, and the stench of blood started to waft through the air. A red stream started to trickle down the ground. Ashfur couldn't see Hawkfrost, but he could hear his triumphant purrs.

"Help!" came Firestar's desperate, choked out cry. "Someone, help me!" 

Ashfur felt a jab of pity toward the ThunderClan leader. He never thought he would ever be capable of murder, let alone murdering his own leader. But Ashfur shook the feeling away. It's what Squirrelflight deserves. Besides, he didn't murder Firestar, at least not on his own. The fox trap did.

Loud pawsteps thundered through the forest, these ones being more quick. It was Brambleclaw. Ashfur felt a prickle of annoyance when Brambleclaw entered the scene, but tried to brush it off as he knew that Brambleclaw was important to Hawkfrost. 

"Hawkfrost?" Brambleclaw asked. "What is this?"

"You must let him die so you can take his place as leader," Hawkfrost replied simply.

"No!" Brambleclaw argued. "I can't let him die! Hawkfrost, I want to become leader, but this is not the way to do so."

Ashfur's pelt bristled. Brambleclaw is getting in the way of our plan! What if something goes wrong?

"It is the way!" Hawkfrost retorted. "Let him die!"

"Brambleclaw," Firestar gasped. "Help me. Please."

For a long moment, everything went silent. Brambleclaw stood still. Ashfur's heart hammered. Brambleclaw, please don't ruin this for me. 

Then, with a yowl, Brambleclaw lunged at Hawkfrost with his claws unsheathed. Ashfur gasped, then covered his mouth with his tail. No! This was not how this was supposed to go!

Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw scuffled on the ground, battering their claws at each other and sending droplets of blood flying in all directions. Hawkfrost flipped Brambleclaw over on his back and firmly pinned him to the ground.

Ashfur's ears pricked up. Maybe this would work out after all.

Hawkfrost sunk his teeth into Brambleclaw's shoulder and tore a chunk of flesh away. Brambleclaw hissed in agony and helplessly raked his claws across Hawkfrost's chest, but to no avail.

Things were looking hopeful. Hawkfrost was going to kill Brambleclaw, and Firestar would die in the fox trap. Maybe things would turn out better than Ashfur had originally intended.

But suddenly, Brambleclaw escaped Hawkfrost's grasp and yanked the stick from the fox trap out of the ground. Hawkfrost charged toward him, but before he could do anything, Brambleclaw stabbed Hawkfrost right in the neck.

No! Ashfur wanted to cry out. He wanted to rush over and help Hawkfrost. But it felt as though his paws were cemented to the ground. Every inch of his body trembled, too hard for him to move.

Blood pooled from the wound in Hawkfrost's neck as the life drained from his face. Hawkfrost collapsed to the ground, only leaving Brambleclaw standing over his dead body.

Ashfur's heart twisted with grief. It was nearly impossible for him to process what had just happened. Then, in place of the grief came a rush of anguish, despair, and rage. Ashfur wanted nothing more than to sink his teeth and claws into Brambleclaw's throat, feeling the sensation of his warm blood oozing out of his body, feeling the life slowly drain from him. He wanted to make Brambleclaw suffer from the most painful and agonizing death. He wanted him to feel the pain that Hawkfrost felt, that he felt, and ten times more.

But he didn't.

Ashfur just trembled and watched, still as a stone.

He heard the shifting of paws come from another cat, and a bright orange pelt came and brushed against Brambleclaw's. Firestar. He was alive.

Ashfur dug his claws into the ground. No, no, no, everything is going wrong! Why does everything in my life go wrong? I hate this. I hate myself. I hate every cat in this stupid Clan.

"Brambleclaw," Firestar spoke through heavy, exhausted breaths, "you saved my life."

The sound of another cats pawsteps sounded through the woods, this time lighter and swifter. Another flame-colored pelt that matched Firestar's appeared next to Brambleclaw.

Ashfur recognized the sweet scent of the new-arriving cat as Squirrelflight, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. She comfortingly pressed against Brambleclaw, and the two of them walked away together with their tails twinned, Firestar trailing close behind them.

The world seemed as though it were underwater-- slow-moving, heavy, and suffocating. Ashfur felt his eyes burn with tears and sadness clawed at his stomach. He buried his face in his paws and dug his claws into the sides of his head, hoping that his loud thoughts and immense grief would all slow down.

Please, let me wake up and find that this is all a terrible dream.

He lifted his head, and saw that he was still in the same place. Hidden in a bush, viewing Hawkfrost's lifeless body through the narrow openings of the bush.

With trembling paws, Ashfur stepped out of the bush, and he saw him clearly for the first time that evening.


A sharp stick was jabbed into his neck and stained with dark streaks of blood. Hawkfrost's face was frozen in the same angry, determined expression he had as he died, except now his eyes were dull and lifeless.

And yet, with the little amount of hope he had left in him, Ashfur gently nudged Hawkfrost's body and murmured, "Please, wake up. You're the strongest cat I know, Hawkfrost. You can't go this easily."

There came no response.

An overwhelming amount of sadness weighed down on Ashfur and tore at his heart like a tiger's claw. Ashfur thrust his muzzle into Hawkfrost's chest fur, feeling the softness of his touch for one last time.

Hawkfrost's fur was no longer warm and comforting, but still and stone-cold. He was gone. The light of Ashfur's life was gone.

Ashfur raised his head from Hawkfrost's body and glared up into the sky, which was tinted a dark orange from sunset. He opened his jaws and let out a loud wail into the open.



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