Chapter Eight

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A/N: This chapter is literally only fluff so I hope you enjoy it. :) 

Ashfur's head leaned against Hawkfrost's shoulder as they lay together. He felt Hawkfrost's tail slip next to his tail, twining their tails together. His gentle touch sent a shiver up Ashfur's spine. 

Suddenly, Ashfur's ears pricked up as he heard scuffling in the trees. He pulled away from Hawkfrost and parted his jaws to taste the air. Squirrel. Ashfur stifled a purr. Hawkfrost would be impressed with him if he caught them something to eat.

Do RiverClan eat squirrels? Ashfur thought. Oh well, I'm sure Hawkfrost won't mind it.

Ashfur stood up and quietly padded away from Hawkfrost. He narrowed his eyes, and in the dark of the night, he could see the silhouette of a squirrel scampering through the trees. Ashfur dropped into a hunting crouch as he carefully tiptoed closer toward the squirrel.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Hawkfrost asked.

"Hunting," Ashfur whispered, silencing Hawkfrost with a small flick of his tail. "I thought I could catch something for us."

Hawkfrost purred and said quietly, "You know I don't eat squirrels."

"Have you ever tried one?" Ashfur asked, turning his head away from his prey for a moment to look at Hawkfrost. 

Hawkfrost thoughtfully licked his paw and drew it across his ear. "No, I suppose not. I guess it will be my first time."

Ashfur turned back to the squirrel and inched closer to it. It had skittered a little further away from him, but Ashfur still had the chance to catch it. His mouth watered as its musky scent filled his nose. He'd realized he hadn't eaten in a while. Ashfur couldn't wait to taste the squirrel's flesh in his jaws.

All of a sudden, something landed on top of Ashfur, pushing him out of his hunting crouch and pinning him to the ground. The scuffle had startled the squirrel, causing it to scurry up into a tree. 

Ashfur's whiskers twitched irritably as he saw Hawkfrost, playfully pinning him to the ground and pressing his paw against Ashfur's chest. "What did you do that for? I was so close to catching it!"

Hawkfrost purred with amusement as he leaned in and touched his nose to Ashfur's. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

Ashfur blushed as Hawkfrost let go of him. "Who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at you." Then, he pressed his muzzle into Hawkfrost's cheek.

Hawkfrost brushed his tail underneath Ashfur's chin, his blue eyes glittering with adoration. "You're cute, you know that?"

Ashfur felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as he bashfully pawed at the ground. "Do you really think that about me?"

Hawkfrost frowned and tilted his head. He padded over to Ashfur and sat down next to him. "Of course I do," he assured him. "Why would you doubt that I do?"

Ashfur shrugged. "I guess after having my heart broken by Squirrelflight, I've been starting to doubt that any cat would ever love me."

"Hey, don't think about what that no-good she-cat thinks," Hawkfrost told him, gently nudging Ashfur with his muzzle. Ashfur purred contentedly as he leaned in closer to Hawkfrost. "It's just us now," Hawkfrost went on. "And I love you the way you are."

Ashfur felt his fur grow hot. "You love me?"

Hawkfrost rested his chin on top of Ashfur's head. "Of course I do. Don't you ever forget that."

Ashfur closed his eyes and relished in Hawkfrost's gentle touch. "You're right. I should stop thinking about Squirrelflight. She means nothing to me anymore."

"I know it takes time to get over heartbreak," Hawkfrost said before giving him a gentle lick between the ears. "Squirrelflight was close to you. But I hope that I can be the one the heal your broken heart, Ashfur."

"Oh, Hawkfrost." Ashfur pulled away from him to look at him in the eyes. "You already have. I mean it."

Hawkfrost closed his eyes and touched his nose to Ashfur's. "It means a lot to me that you think that."

All of a sudden, Hawkfrost pulled away. Ashfur flinched and gave Hawkfrost a hurtful look. Why are you recoiling? Do you not love me after all?

"I'm sorry." Hawkfrost shifted his paws awkwardly. "It's just... I've never let myself look vulnerable in front of any cat. I'm not usually... ah, what's the word... sensitive, if that makes sense."

Ashfur came up behind Hawkfrost and rested his head on his shoulder, looking at him pleadingly. "You don't have to be worried about that. It's just us." Please, don't leave me.

"I know, it sounds stupid," Hawkfrost said, pulling away and looking at Ashfur. He almost looked guilty for what he said. "But I've never been in love before now. I don't want to mess things up." he lowered his voice. "I really do love you, Ashfur."

Suddenly, Ashfur felt more confident with himself. "Then you don't have to worry about what I think of you. I will never leave you."

Hawkfrost purred and rested his muzzle on top of Ashfur's head. "I know. I'm sorry." He then shuffled over and sat down in front of Ashfur. "Now, let's talk about our plan to catch Firestar in the fox trap. Should we do it tomorrow."

Ashfur nodded. "Yes, tomorrow will work. I'll tell Firestar that a RiverClan cat wants to meet him at the border to deliver a message. Then, I'll leave the rest up to you."

Hawkfrost looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to rise, sending golden beams glittering over the lake. "You should go now before you get caught."

Ashfur gave Hawkfrost a quick lick behind the ear. "Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow." He started toward the ThunderClan border, but after saying a quick "I love you" over his shoulder.

Hawkfrost nodded at him quickly before disappearing into the forest. Ashfur felt his heart grow warm. Things were starting to go his way.

A/N: I apologize in advance for what's going to happen in the next chapter. 

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