Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey everyone! I just want to get two things out of the way. First of all, thank you for all the reads and votes! I never expected this dumb little fanfic to get as popular as it did. Second of all, this fic is nearing an end! I'd say there are about two or three more chapters until it's finished. After this, I want to write another warrior cats ship-based story again. So please, it would help me a ton if you commented some of your favorite ships in warrior cats that you would like to see written as a full-fanfic like this one! I only ask that you keep the ships appropriate. I won't write about any pedophilic or incestuous ships. Also, I'd prefer non-canon ships, since you can read about canon ships in the books. Thank you! Now, into the story!

Ashfur tossed and turned in his nest, the thought clinging to his fur like a burr he couldn't shake off. I'm in love with Hawkfrost? He couldn't even comprehend the thought. But looking back, he had always wanted to be closer to Hawkfrost in the way that he wanted to be closer to Squirrelflight. Maybe even closer than he wanted with Squirrelflight.

"I'm in love with Hawkfrost," Ashfur whispered to himself. Just saying it made him feel more relaxed, like he had finally come to terms with himself. Of course, there was the obvious- Hawkfrost was a tom. A RiverClan tom. He couldn't bear the thought of possibly losing Hawkfrost. 

I have to tell him, Ashfur thought. It's better than just keeping it to myself.

Ashfur lifted his head from his nest. Through the cracks of the warriors' den, he could see the moon hanging high in the sky, igniting the indigo sky with silver. Moonhigh.

Now was Ashfur's chance to confess his feelings to Hawkfrost. He's so amazing. So much better than me. I'm certain that he won't feel the same way... but, it has to be done. 

Ashfur rolled over in his nest and stood up, shaking off the bits of moss that stuck to his fur. He gingerly tiptoed out of the warriors' den, making sure he wouldn't wake any cat. Then he pried his way out of the warriors' den. If Brambleclaw catches me, I'm crow-food!

Ashfur sneakily padded out of the ThunderClan camp. He looked over his shoulder to make no cat was watching him. When he knew he was alone, he bolted out of camp and rushed through the forest.

His paws felt lighter than air as he ran to Hawkfrost. Now that he had finally admitted to himself that he had feelings for Hawkfrost, he wanted to see him more than ever. He had a boost of confidence, and he was going to tell Hawkfrost how he felt.

Ashfur neared the RiverClan border, and he felt even more happy as he ran through the woods. 

There was Hawkfrost, waiting for him like always.

Ashfur slowed to a sudden halt as he saw Hawkfrost. The dark tabby looked at him warmly, and his friendly gaze sent butterflies in Ashfur's stomach. 

"There you are," Hawkfrost purred delightedly, padding closer to Ashfur. Ashfur was starstruck at the sight of the sleek dark tabby. The moon kindled his fur, making him look even more handsome than he already did.  It took every ounce of self-control for Ashfur to not leap at Hawkfrost and bury his head in his chest fur. "I've been waiting."

"I need to tell you something," Ashfur blurted out. His heart hammered inside his chest. Here goes nothing.

Hawkfrost pricked up his ears, interested. "What is it?" Hawkfrost asked as he sat down and curled his tail around his paws. 

"I... uh..." Ashfur looked in all directions until his gaze landed on the ground. He wouldn't meet Hawkfrost's eyes. "I..."

"Ashfur, you know you can tell me anything," Hawkfrost pressed. 

Can I, though? Ashfur felt as though his insides were twisting with anxiety and embarrassment. This was harder than he thought it was going to be. It seemed so easy with Squirrelflight. Perhaps that was because she was a ThunderClan she-cat. 

"I... figured out a way to trap Firestar in the fox traps," Ashfur said eventually. I'll tell him later. I still need time to gather the courage to confess my feelings to him.

"Oh?" Hawkfrost stood and padded closer to Ashfur, causing his heart to thud even faster. "And what is that?"

"Um..." Ashfur thought for a moment as he shifted his paws nervously. His ears grew hot with embarrassment. "I was thinking, you could wait for him at the border. And I'll deliver the message that there's a... a situation, going on at the RiverClan border."

Hawkfrost sat down next to Ashfur. "That is a good idea, and we'll follow that plan. But, Ashfur, I have a feeling that wasn't what you were going to tell me."

Ashfur started to tremble. He was so nervous. Now he had no choice but to tell Hawkfrost about his feelings. 

"Alright." Ashfur looked at the ground. Surely, once he confessed, Hawkfrost was going to hate him. He was going to push Ashfur away and tell him that he was disgusting and that he never wanted to see him again. "Hawkfrost, the truth is..."

Ashfur forced himself to look up into Hawkfrost's eyes. Hawkfrost was expectantly waiting to hear what Ashfur had to say. You want to hear what I'm going to say. But once I say it, you'll wish you had never heard it. You'll never want to see me again.

"The truth is that, you're an amazing cat," Ashfur started, "and I love spending time with you. I love visiting you at the borders. It's the highlight of my night, and I always look forward to it."

Hawkfrost purred. "Well, I don't blame you. I am pretty amazing."

"You are!" Ashfur rambled on. "And that's why..."

Here it comes. 

"That's why I'm... I have feelings for you."

Ashfur scooted away from Hawkfrost. He looked away for a moment, then back at him, trying to read his gaze. Hawkfrost just stared at him blankly, as though trying to process what Ashfur had said.

"Feelings? What do you mean by that?"

Ashfur took a shaky breath. "I mean, I'm in love with you, Hawkfrost."

Hawkfrost's jaws gaped open. He said nothing, only stared at Ashfur with a shocked look on his face.

"I- I'm sorry," Ashfur stammered, jumping to his paws. "I should go. I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry."

As Ashfur started to walk away, he felt a paw press down on his tail, keeping him from being able to leave. Ashfur spun around, seeing that Hawkfrost was stepping on his tail and holding him back.

"Ashfur, wait," Hawkfrost said. "Don't go. Please."

Sheepishly, Ashfur sat down in front of Hawkfrost, but still wouldn't meet his eyes. Suddenly, he felt Hawkfrost's warm tongue rasp across his cheek. Ashfur flinched, and looked up at Hawkfrost. 


"I think I'm in love with you, too," Hawkfrost said.

Ashfur was dumbfounded. Millions of different emotions whirled through his mind. Happiness, love, confusion. 

"You- with me?" Ashfur asked, trying to suppress a purr. "Why?"

Hawkfrost purred as he brushed up against Ashfur. "Well, I think you're cute. And fun to be around. You're also a really good listener. Not to mention, you have a good heart."

Ashfur blinked. "You really think so?"

"Of course," Hawkfrost purred. 

Ashfur was overjoyed. He bounded toward Hawkfrost and rested his head on his chest, something that he had been wanting to do for ages now. Hawkfrost rested his chin on Ashfur's head and curled his tail around his body.

"So, does this make us mates?" Ashfur asked, his voice slightly muffled through Hawkfrost's fur.

"I suppose it does," Hawkfrost replied, licking Ashfur in between his ears. 

Ashfur purred. Finally, he felt happy. Happier than he had ever been. Because Hawkfrost loved him back, and they were happy together. 

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