Chapter 1 part 2

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Characters: Windlekönig, Bismarck, Ark Royal, King George V, Z-23, and the author.

So you then run up to the bridge and saw that no one was there.


Then you see 1 green dot surrounded by about 10 red dots.

Windlekönig: How do I fire this thing?


There is now smoke coming off of the tip of all 3 barrels for turret Alpha/turret 1.

Windlekönig: **stands back up**

Windlekönig: How I do get this iron beast moving?

Then your ship started to glow and blue cubes started to form. Your ship started transform and the next thing you know, there were guns on your back with shark halls.

The shark hulls then move.

Windlekönig: Cool, ahhh. (one of fear/surprise).

Windlekönig: Maybe they're like pets.

**pet pet pet**

They then calm down.

You then attempt to move, but you fall face first into the ocean.

Windlekönig: **ouch**.

Windlekönig: **stands back up**.

Windlekönig: So maybe moving is like ice skating.

You then attempt to ice-skate.

Windlekönig: It is, now time to head towards the green dot.

Bismarck's point of view

Bismarck: They have me surrounded and are constantly pounding me non-stop.

King George V: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?

Then they point all of their guns at Bismarck.

All: Fire.

Bismarck: I can't block those shots!

She then covers her face with her hands and takes all of the hits. 

Bismarck: Ahh. (one of pain).

She now has blood coming out of her mouth.

King George V: **unleashes sword** YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THE HOOD, BISMARCK!!

She charges at Bismarck with her sword and is about to slice Bismarck, but then a huge splash happens and hits everyone on the head.

Bismarck's Thoughts Now's my chance.

Bismarck: Fire.

Her salvo hits King George V in the stomach.

King George V: AHH. (one of pain).

King George V: DIEEEE!!!

Bismarck then closes her eyes and prepares for her death.


Bismarck then opens her eyes and sees that a male just saved her life.

Bismarck' Thoughts: He's..... A MALE!!

Your point of view

Windlekönig: Ich muss sie retten! (I need to save her!).

Windlekönig: Ziel! (Aim!).

Windlekönig: Feuer! (Fire!).



Windlekönig's Thoughts: Komm auf mich, du musst schneller gehen! (COME ON ME, YOU NEED TO GO FASTER!).

Windlekönig: NEIN! (NO!).


Windlekönig: Sieht so aus, als hätte ich es gerade noch rechtzeitig geschafft. (Looks like I made it just in time.).

Windlekönig: Bist du okay, kannst du rennen? (Are you okay, can you run?).

???: Nein, ich kann nicht. (No, I can't.).

Windlekönig: Sieht so aus, als hätte ich keine Wahl. (Looks like I have no choice.).

Windlekönig: Es tut mir leid, dass ich das tun muss. (I am sorry that I have to do this.).

You shoot Ark Royal and King George V in the chest.

Ark Royal: Ahh. (one of pain).

King George V: Ahh. (one of pain).

You throw a smoke screen to cover your retreat and lift Bismarck on to your shoulders.

Windelkönig: Komm schon mein Freund, wir müssen JETZT gehen! (Come on my friend, we must leave, NOW!).

Windlekönig: Vollgas voraus. (Full speed ahead.).

Your speed then increases to 60.2 Knots or 68 MPH.

10 minutes later

???: Wie heißt du junger Mann? (What is your name young man?).

Windlekönig: You can call me Windlekönig, "The Hunter", or Mullen Wayne Von Herrman.

Windlekönig: Wie ist Ihr Name Ma'am? (What is your name ma'am?).

???: Bismarck. (Bismarck.).

Windlekönig: Wohin soll ich dich bringen? (Where would you like me to take you?).

Bismarck: To Iron blood.

Windlekönig: Was zum Teufel ist Eisenblut? (What the hell is iron blood?).

Bismarck: It's where we live, what we call home.

She was suspicious about you now.

Bismarck: Where are you from?

Windlekönig: Berlin, Germany.

Bismarck: Adjust your course to the Northeast.

Windlekönig: Okay.

After about 5 minutes the base is visible.

Bismarck: What kind of class battleship are you?

Windlekönig: Bismarck-class.

Windlekönig: Meaning that you and your sister, Tirpitz, are my sisters.

Bismarck: How do know about Tirpitz, no one knows about her on the outside.

Windlekönig: Like I said, you and Tirpitz are my sisters.

Windlekönig: Operation y/d, I was sunken by the H.M.S. Queen Mary, but I took her down with me.

(Mark Wayne Windle: y/d = you decide)

Bismarck: I still don't trust you 100%, but I trust you a little bit.

Windlekönig: Okay.

Once you arrive at the docks, everyone aims at you.

Windlekönig: Why don't we settle this in a more peaceful manner?

Bismarck: Do what he says, he just saved me.

You proceed to hand over Bismarck to them and then she try's to give you a gift.

Windlekönig: I'm good.

Bismarck: But where will you live?

Windlekönig: Fine.

Bismarck: Z-23, watch him until I recover.

Z-23: Yes commander.


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