Chapter 5

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Characters: Windlekonig, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Friedrich der Grosse, Graf Zeppelin, Zeppy, Z-23, and the author.

Recap: Bismarck asked you to join the Iron Blood Navy.

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Windlekonig: Today is the day I have to go through some test to fully join the Iron Blood Navy.

You then head over to the docks and see that every ship in the Iron Blood Navy is there to watch you.

Bismarck: Alright you're here, do you want to begin the testing Windlekonig?

Windlekonig: I don't have a choice Ms. Bismarck.

Bismarck: I like the way you think.

Windlekonig: Thank you.

You then transform and hop into the water.

Graf Zeppelin: So that is what he looks like when he transforms.

Graf Zeppelin: If he passes all of the tests, then he can become part of my plan.

Tirpitz: Still haven't given up on your plan of world destruction?

Graf Zeppelin: Of course not.

Zeppy: Mommy?

Graf Zeppelin: What is it dear?

Zeppy: Can I ride on your shoulders so I can watch?

Graf Zeppelin: Of course dear.

Graf Zeppelin: **picks up Zeppy** Is that better dear?

Zeppy: Yes mommy, thank you.

Bismarck: The first test will accuracy and range.

Bismarck: Z-23, raise the first target at 2 km.

Z-23: Yes ma'am.

Windlekonig: Focus me, focus.

Turret 1: **BANG BANG BANG**

Bismarck: Bulls-eye.

Bismarck: Raise the next target at 5 km.

Z-23: On it.

Turret 2: **BANG BANG BANG**

Bismarck: Bulls-eye again.

Bismarck: Raise two targets at 10 km.

Z-23: Yes ma'am.

Turret 3: **BANG BANG BANG**

Turret 4: **BANG BANG BANG**

Bismarck: Bulls-eye again, and on both of the targets.

Bismarck: Raise one target at 15 km.

Z-23: Yes ma'am.

Windlekonig: This is more entertaining than I thought it would be.

Turret 5: **BANG BANG BANG**

Bismarck: Bulls-eye once again.

Bismarck: Z-23, raise one target at 25 km.

Z-23: But isn't a little far?

Bismarck: I want to see how accurate he is at long range to.

Z-23: Understood, raising one target at 25 km.

Windlekonig: **whispers** 25 km away, adjust depression to 90 degrees.

Turret 6: **BANG BANG BANG**


Bismarck: Why did it explode?

Windlekonig: I changed my ammunition before I fired.

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