Chapter 2

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Characters: Bismarck, Author, Windlekönig, Tirpitz, and Z-23.

Recap: You saved Bismarck and you didn't die in the process(LOL)

Back to present

Z-23: Here we are.

Windlekönig: This place is dirty, when was the last time it was cleaned?

Z-23: 2 years ago I think.

Z-23: Anyway, I have to go, so please behave your self.

Windlekönig: Yes ma'am, Z-23.


Windlekönig: Oh yeah, by the way, let me introduce myself.

Z-23: Okay.

Windlekönig: You can call me Windlekönig,  Müller Wayne Von Herrman, or by my nick name "The Hunter".

Z-23: I think I'll stick with Windlekönig.

She then leaves.

Windlekönig: I should start cleaning.

You then find a broom, a bucket, a towel, and a feather duster. You then fill the bucket with water and clean the towel. Next, you let the towel soak and in the mean time you start sweeping and removing dust. After you have finished sweeping and removing dust, you then start to scrub the floor and walls. In an hour, you have finished.

Windlekönig: That should do it.

Windlekönig: **pulls out a book from his coat**

Windlekönig: Thank you author.

Mark Wayne Windle: You're welcome.

Windlekönig: Author, when will I meet you in person?

Mark Wayne Windle: If I need the "pen", I break a wall, or if I need you in my office.

Windlekönig: Okay, thank you author.

Mark Wayne Windle: You're welcome.

Windlekönig: "How to be a gentleman"

You then start to read the book, and 30 minutes later, Z-23 comes back.

Z-23: I'm back.

Z-23: Did you clean this place by your self?

Windlekönig: Yes ma'am, and in an hours time.

Z-23: I'm impressed.

Windlekönig: Thank you, Ms. Z-23.

Z-23: Being a gentleman I see.

Windlekönig: Yes ma'am.

Windlekönig: So, what now?

Z-23: I don't know, but Bismarck just told me to watch you.

Bismarck's point of view

Bismarck currently has bandages all over her body.

**Tirpitz walks in**

Bismarck: Schwester. (sister).

Tirpitz: Schwester. (sister).

Tirpitz: What happened?

Bismarck: One of Ark Royal's Swordfishes dropped a torpedo and it hit my rudder.

Bismarck: Then the Royal Navy hunted me down and almost killed me for sinking H.M.S. Hood.

Bismarck: But then, a ship boy saved me at the last second.

Tirpitz: What, a male?

Bismarck: He claims that he is a Bismarck class battleship and that we are his sisters, he also knows about you.

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