Chapter 8

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Characters: Windlekonig, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen, Zeppy, Graf Zeppelin, Z-1, Z-2, Z-23, Z-46, Prince of Wales, King George V, Amazon, Ark Royal, Glowworm, Terror, Queen Elizabeth, London, Foxhound, Jamaica, Chaser, Renown, Repulse, Belfast, Nelson, Hermes, Glorious, Warspite, Comet, Cresent, Galatea, and Edinburgh.

Recap: You received a refit

Back to present

You and the others are 3 minutes away until you reach Zeppy and the others.

Royal Navy's point of view

King George V: Amazon, can you distract Z-1?

Amazon: Yes my King.

King George V: Thank you, Ark Royal, continue to suppress their carrier.

Ark Royal: Yes my King.

Amazon distracts Z-1 and Ark Royal continues to harass Zeppy's aircraft.

King George V: Now's my chance.

King George V makes a dash towards Zeppy and is about to punch her.

King George V's Thoughts: I fell horrible to have to punch one so young. Wait, what if I make her lose consciousness? Then I won't have punch a child.

King George V: Sorry kid.

Zeppy: Huh?

Zeppy: GET AWAY!!!!

She then throws a squad of Stuka's at King George V.

King George V: Get skinny.

King George then proceeds to dodge all but 3 of Zeppy's Stuka's.

Prince of Wales: Make it fast father.

Ark Royal: Take this.

Ark Royal then drops a few bombs on to Z-2.

Z-2: AHHHHH. (one of pain).

Glowworm: I'm sorry that I have to do this.

Glowworm then fires a full salvo at Z-23.

Z-23: **gasp and then blocks**

Windlekonig's point of view

Windlekonig: I see them, Graf Zeppelin, launch all but one fourth of your aircraft.

Graf Zeppelin: On it.

She launch's a total of 300 aircraft.

Windlekonig: Z-46, I need you to focus fire on Glowworm.

Z-46: Okay.

Windlekonig: Prinz Eugen and Admiral Hipper, focus your fire on Terror and Prince of Wales.

Prinz Eugen: **teasing** Okay dear.

Admiral Hipper: Finally, a person that knows what he is doing.

Windlekonig: Graf Zeppelin, Bombard Amazon.

Graf Zeppelin: Okay.

You release a fog horn to inform the others that you have arrived.

Royal Navy's point of view

King George V: Come on, let your guard down for a second.

King George V is circling Zeppy to look for a weak spot. He then finds one strikes, but he takes a punch from Zeppy's aircraft.

King George V: Gotcha.


King George V: Time for you to lose balance.

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