Chapter 12

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Characters: Windlekönig, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Queen Elizabeth, King George V, Z-23, Graf Zeppelin, Enterprise, Blue Ridge, Washington, and New York.

Recap: You convinced the British to join the axis and fight the Sirens.

Back to present

Windlekönig: We're almost there.

King George V: Jolly good.

Queen Elizabeth: I hope you know what you're doing my King.

King George V: Don't worry dear, it'll be fine.

Windlekönig: When we arrive, I want the both you to surrender so they have no reason to open fire.

King George V: That's okay with me.

Queen Elizabeth: Same here.

???: INCOMING!?!?

Everyone that is stationed at the harbor aims at you and the King and Queen.


Z-23: Understood, STAND DOWN!!!

They lower their weapons.

Windlekönig: They would like to meet Lord Bismarck.

Z-23: Follow me then.

After a 10 minute walk, you meet Bismarck in a meeting room.

Bismarck: **gasp** Bruder! (brother).

Windlekönig: Hello Schwester. (sister).

Bismarck: So what do you want?

King George V: Well, we would like to join your alliance again, and this time for good.

Queen Elizabeth: We could also talk the Eagle Union into joining too.

Tirpitz: And how do I know that you Brits won't betray us?

King George V: We didn't come across the channel for nothing, and have you also noticed that there are only two of us?

Bismarck: You have a point, very well then, let me go get some papers for you to sign.

After 7 minutes, she comes back with documents.

Bismarck: Please sign here and here and make sure that you are comfortable with the demands to join.

Queen Elizabeth: Of course.

After the King and Queen have signed and looked over the papers, they hand them back to Bismarck.

Bismarck: Welcome to the alliance.

King George V: And welcome, our new allies.

**door opens**

Graf Zeppelin: Commander?

Bismarck: Yes Graf Zeppelin?

Graf Zeppelin: Some Eagle Union girls have arrived and would like to speak with you.

Bismarck: Where are they?

Graf Zeppelin: The docks.

Bismarck: Bring them to me please.

Graf Zeppelin: Understood commander.

After 15 minutes, the Eagle Union girls come into the meeting room.

Eagle Union's view

???: Hello Bismarck.

Bismarck: **gasp** Enterprise.

Enterprise: Hello, I'm Enterprise, and this Blue Ridge, Washington, and New York.

Blue Ridge: Hi, I'm the flagship of the Union, Blue Ridge.

Washington: I'm Washington, sister ship to Carolina.

New York: I'm New York, but you can call me York for short.

Bismarck: I am the pride of Iron Blood, Bismarck.

Tirpitz: I am Tirpitz, sister ship to Bismarck.

Graf Zeppelin: I am Graf Zeppelin, mother to Zeppy and one of two carriers of Iron Blood.

???: And I am Windlekönig, Müller Wayne Von Herrman, or also known as, "The Hunter".

Enterprise: **gasp** It's you again.

Windlekönig: I told you that we would meet again soon, no?

Bismarck: Any way, lets get down to business.

Enterprise: Agreed.

Bismarck: What brings you girls here?

Enterprise: We would like to join your alliance, we are aware that fighting against 3 to 1 is useless.

Bismarck: And how do I know that you will not betray us?

Washington: If we were planing to do so, then we would have done so by now, 3 flagships and a carrier dead would weaken your navy heavily.

Tirpitz: You have a point, let me go and retrieve some documents for you girls to sign.

After 7 minutes, Tirpitz comes back with a few documents for them to sign.

Tirpitz: Please sign here and here, and then read the paper to make sure that you girls are comfortable with the demands to join.

5 minutes later

Enterprise: **hands Bismarck their signed papers** Alright, we're done.

Bismarck: Welcome to our alliance friends.

Enterprise: Cheers to no long being enemies.

Bismarck: Indeed.

Enterprise: If you need any help, then please care to give us a call.

Bismarck: Of course.

After they have left

Bismarck: Where were you this entire time Bruder? (brother).

Windlekönig: Britain, I went on my own mission to convince the British to join the alliance, and it actually worked!

Tirpitz: He's right, it did work.

Bismarck: **sighs** Next, please tell me before you go, you gave us a heart attack.

Windlekönig: Yes ma'am, and I am sorry about that.

Enterprise's view

Enterprise's Thoughts: Hopefully I don't have to fight him, he almost killed me last time.

Washington: That went better than expected.

Blue Ridge: It did, and no one was killed nor harmed.

New York: Now we can finally shift our attention to the Sirens for once.

2 years later

2 years has passed since the meeting, you and the other three factions have pushed the Sirens all the way back to square one. Everyone is now heading out to fight the Sirens in one final battle, and hope fully, the last battle of the Human-Siren War.

Windlekönig: Alright, everyone listen, this might be the last battle, but don't let your guard down.

Windlekönig: I also want Prinz Eugen, Admiral Hipper, Enterprise, and Hood to make a dash and go through the portal and into the Siren world.

Windlekönig: I will also be tagging along with you.

Windlekönig: And Everyone else, focus fire on their mass produced ships, and if you see a Siren, then I need everyone, and I mean everyone, to engage them, one Siren at a time, understood?

Everyone: YES SIR!


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