Daughter of Hades

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The hand was cold, and hard. It let us down at the white house. The president at the time was Patrick lipton. When the Gods first went to war in New York 9 years ago. The president disappeared. Some people say he killed him self, but then some also say he was some how connected with it, so he ran away. He hasn't been seen since then. Then sun started to rise. We spotted a small town, and we ran towards it. We read the sign, it said it was called shuck
Buckle, but the population said 20,000. I was happy we came to the right town, but i wasn't happy about how many people there were. We walked into the town, which had a market at the beginning. We walked into the market to find that people were rushing all around. Someone even pushed me to the ground. I was a out to turn around, and roast someone, but i remembered we were in a large crowd of people. I didn't know where to start looking so i decided we should get some food. I walked over to one booth to find an old man. His face was very wrinkly, but he had a sweet smile. I asked him if we could by some fruit and he said he didn't sell fruit, but he sold meat, and bread. I bought 2 loves of bread, and a pound of turkey, and it only cost 5 bucks. It was strange to know we still used money. You would think since the world is ruins that people would be complete savages, but we are not. I saw a booth that sold milk, so me and tyler walked over to it to get some. We asked the young man for some milk, and he yelled in Spanish to some one. He said it would be a few minuets.
"So are you going to the hanging? asked the young man.
What hanging? i asked.
"You must be new. We try to keep our city as civilized as possible, so if you go to prison a certain number of time the prison will make you pay for your crimes by hanging you in city hall. Today there will be 3 of them in 5 minuets actually, all children. 2 boys 1 girl. Said the young man.
Thankfully the person he yelled at came back with 2 bottles of milk. I paid, and thanked the kid for the milk. Me and tyler walked out of the crowded area into the city hall.we saw that a small crowd of people were gathered around, as they set up the rope on a tall tree. I spotted the girl. She had black long wavy hair. Her skin as pale as snow. Her eyes were soulless black. She had a serous face with no tears. She looked about my age,13. The 2 boys in front of her were fat twins. They were still crying there hearts out. The man that was setting up the rope turned around, and yelled the hanging will begin. Not many people gathered when he said that. I was guessing this had happened before since no one wanted to see. The man wanted to be funny by saying ladies first, and he brought the girl to the front of the line. He pulled the chair next to her for her to step on top of it. she stepped on it while a tear escaped her eye, and fell down her check. She slipped her head into the hole, while more tears trickled down her check. The man put his hands on the chair getting ready to pull it. I starred at her with curiosity, looking at her face now dripping with tears. The man asked her if she was ready. She nodded her head. He started to pull the chair, so that her feet were about fall from it.
"this is what happens when you don't follow the laws! this is what happens when you don't deserver to live!" yelled the man. He started to pull the chair with all his strength, but i stopped her from falling by throwing my weapon as a throwing knife at the rope cutting her free. She fell to her knees crying, with her hands tied behind her back. I ran to her helping her up from her knees. She was very light, and frail. I felt like i was going to break her bones if i squeezed her to hard. I carried her bridle style down the steps onto the floor of city hall. More people gathered around us starring at me, and tyler. I started to walk, but some one threw a rock at me and i fell to the ground.

When i woke up, i felt a bump on my head. I looked around to see tyler, and the girl. She was cuddled up in a corner looking down. Tyler started to wake up from his slumber. He yawned so loud he woke up the girl in the corner. She looked up at me and tyler with her big black eyes. She then started to speak.
"Why did you save me? now you are going to get hung." She said.
None of us are getting hung. We are leaving right now. I said as i pated my body, looking for my weapon. All of us had our hands in cuffs, so it was hard looking for my weapon. I realized i didn't have my weapon, and neither did tyler. We were in a dark concrete room. There wasn't even a bar door. The only source of light was coming from a small window with bars on it. The room was pretty big for a cell. I had been in a cell before, but this one was huge. There wasn't any toilets, or beds. The room was empty except for me, tyler, and the girl.
What is your name? i asked.
"my name is Ashtrid. Who are you? She asked me.
My name is Logan, and this is Tyler. I replied.
"why? why did you save me? i was supposed to be punished. She said.
I don't know why i saved you, something came over me. Something told me to save you. I explained to her.
"we are all going to get punished." she said as a tear fell off her face onto the ground.
What did you do to get hung? i asked her.
She looked at me with her dark eyes. They were frightening, but beautiful.
"I have done nothing. I told them the truth, but they don't believe me." she said with more tears trying to escape her eyes. "They think i killed my foster family, but i didn't. These creatures came, and took them away. I loved them with all of my heart. The creatures took them, and killed them. They were hideous, they appeared from the sky. They were naked, but they were skinny. They had black as coal eyes, they had these huge wings, and they killed them in front of me." she said letting the tears fall from her eyes.
I looked at her, and them it came to me. I had just found the daughter of Hades. Suddenly, we heard a banging on the wall. Apparently it was a door. The door lifted up showing a tall bald man. He was wearing rags just like everyone else, but there was something about him that seemed superior.
"Come with me children. Its time for you to be punished." he said with a deep voice.
I stood up looking straight at him. Tyler, and Ashtrid stood up with me. The man pointed out of the room, and we walked out. We saw we were in a long hall way. We heard nothing but silence. The man walked in front of us telling us to follow him. We followed him outside to city hall. I looked back at the building we came from. It was a short building with only one floor. It was nothing special, but it gave off a bad vibe. No one was outside except for me,tyler,ashtrid,the man leading us, and the two twin boys from earlier. The rope was ready for us on the tree. I realized that there was another person outside, and he was standing behind the tree. He held a long whip in his hand, and in his other hand was a short object with two points at the end of it. We followed the man to the tree, until the other man waved him to go away.
"first will be you there boy." he said pointing at tyler.
Tyler walked over to him. The man told him to turn around as he pulled his whip back. Suddenly, an idea struck me. I realized i could wield fire. I smiled as i stuck my hands out in front of me. I concentrated on my hands as a flame appeared in my hands. I prepared my hands to throw them, but i remembered father said i must keep my gift hidden. Ashtrid would attack me if she saw me wield fire. So i put the flame away as i put my hands down.
No!! Let me go first!! i yelled at the man before he was about to whip tyler.
The man told tyler to het back in line. I walked up to the man, and turned around. I had no idea why i did what i had just decided to do, but it was definitely a stupid idea. The man pulled his arm back, and swung it onto my back. I screamed in pain. Then i felt the whip again on my back. Tears had already formed in my eyes, but i wasn't strong enough to hold them back from falling. They fell straight off my face onto the ground. The man took the other object in his hand, and shoved it in my stomach. It sent electricity into my body causing me to scream as loud as i could. I could feel the energy moving through my body as it electrocuted me. From the corner of my eye i could see Ashtrid crying. Her face showed she was mad. I could see she felt like killing the man. I could tell she wanted to hang him. Suddenly, i heard a loud scream saying to stop. I fell to the ground as the man stopped torturing me. I saw the person who screamed was Ashtrid. Her eyes were completely black, she was glowing with black smoke. She looked like she was on fire, but with black fire burning her. She broke her hand cuffs, and she walked up to the man. He looked confused instead of frightened. She walked closer to him starring right at him. The man just stood there waiting for her to get closer. It was like he was hypnotized, he was just standing there with a blank face. When she was right in front of him she grabbed his neck raising him above her. He looked down at her as she started tightening her grip on his neck. He didn't try to stop her he just let her kill him slowly. Suddenly, his eyes became black as coal. His body started to turn a pale white, and his veins started to show, but they were a dark grey. The life was being sucked out of him. Ashtrid dropped the man to the ground, as he shattered to a million pieces like he was glass. Her eyes went back to normal, and her body stopped glowing. She turned around, and ran over to me helping me get up from the ground. When she got me off of my feet, i was able to stand, and walk. She pulled out a hair pin, and stuck it into the key hole. To my surprise she unlocked it, and she did the same to tyler.
"Follow me." she said as she ran towards an ally.
Me and tyler followed her into the dark ally. The sun was going down, so soon the monsters would probably start coming out. Ashtrid led us into the dark woods, to a small shed. It looked small from the outside, but it was huge from the inside. She had extra sleeping bags for us to use. There were no windows, so it was completely dark. Ashtrid looked at us strangely probably wondering if we saw what she had just did.
So... You did great out there. You were so flawless. I said to break the silence.
"what do you mean? Did you see what i did?" she asked.
Of corse we did. You were awesome. I answered her.
She looked at us worried.
Ashtrid? i said. I think i know who your real father is. Your the daughter of Hades.
She looked at me like i was joking, but a fire ball formed in my hands. She looked at my hand with confusion.
Ashtrid i am sorry. I know what your felling, confusion, sadness, madness, but don't worry we will be here for you always. My mother lied to me since i was a baby. My father is Hephaestus, and Tyler's mother is Athena. We are all apart of a major prophesy to save the world. I understand if you are scared, but it is your destiny. It is all of ours destiny. I said.
She said nothing she just looked down at the ground. I explained to her our journey so far. She looked kind of excited as i explained to her everything. When i told her about me and tyler parents, she looked sad.
"i never met my mother. She died when i was born, so i have been in a foster home ever since." she explained to us.
After we talked, and answered her questions, she agreed to follow her destiny and fulfill her part of the prophesy. We then drifted to sleep as we grew tired.

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