The Witch

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When i got home, logan was still asleep, but my mother was on the couch smoking cigarette. As i walked pass my mother i said hello, and walked into my room. I put the herbs, and potion on the bed, then i walked over to Logan's side. I felt his head to see if he had a fever still, and it had felt cooler. As a took my hand off of his head he woke up smiling.
"What happened?" he asked.
When you stood up from the bed, you fainted again. I just got back from the market with some herbs to help you heal. I told him as i grabbed one of the herbs. I walked to the kitchen, and i started to wash it with fresh cold water. After i cleaned it, i walked back into the room, and handed the herb to logan. He took it with his hand, and started to chew on it. After a few more minuets, he was finished with it, and he was ready to try and stand up. He put his arm around my shoulder to help him get to his feet. He took one step forward, and then another. He started walking again.
"let me try to walk without your help." he told me.
He took his arm off of my shoulder, and started to walk by his self. He began laughing at his achievement as he started walking around the room. He began skipping, and then running. He was completely healed. I told him i would be right back, so i could go and fix up my mothers potion. I left him jumping on my bed happily. I went into the living room, and asked my mother if she wanted some hot soup. She said that would be great. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, and took some vegetables from the fridge. I took some knifes, and started cutting them into tiny pieces. I took the potion out of my pocket, and poured it into tue bowl with some hot water. I put the vegetables in the bowl, then i started to mix the soup. I put the bowl of soup on a tray, and brought it over to my mother on the couch. I placed it on her lap, and she began to eat. I sat right next to her as she ate the soup. When she was all finished, she hugged me, and thanked me. After a few minuets of silence, i asked her if i should get her another cigar.
"you know what i would n- she was interrupted by a large grumble in her stomach.
Are you all right mother? i asked.
"no. She said while looking forward.
She started to turn her head towards me. I looked into her eyes as they slowly turned tar black. Her entire eye was black. I asked her if she was alright, but she just stared at me looking into my eyes like she was looking right through my soul.
Are you ok mom? is there something wrong? i asked with concern.
" Everything is perfect son." she said with a demonic voice, and ending with a evil smile.
Logan! Come out here right now! i yelled as i backed away from my mother. Logan came out of my room, and asked if everything was alright. He turned his head towards my mother, and then he knew the answer. He back away from her moving next to me. Suddenly my mother stood up from the couch, and bent over. Her body started to burn, and her clothes burnt off. She was naked, but her body was completely different. She was extremely boney, and she had no fat on her body. She was basically a skeleton with. A thin layer of skin. Suddenly, large gashes appeared in her back. Black feathery wings started to appear from the large gashes in her back. The wings must have had a wing span of at least 20. The creature was no longer my mother, she was a demon. She looked at me with her empty eyes. She spread her wings, and flew up bursting though the ceiling. My and logan ran out side to find her waiting for us. She began speaking another language a language that wasn't english, but a language i could understand. She said that the son of Hephaestus, and the son of Athena would die that day, and then she swooped down and picked me up. I struggled to try and break free from her grip, but her grip was to strong. Suddenly, i saw a large ball of fire coming towards us, and it hit the creature making me fall out of her grasp. I fell plummeting to the earth, but something slowed me down. I fell to the ground barley injured, but the creature fell down so hard it made a crater in the earth. Suddenly, a large silver sword appeared in my hand. At that moment i felt like i was being taken over. I ran towards the creature still recovering from its fall, and i jumped on its back stabbing its spine. The creature through me off of its back, and it began to bleed black blood. Logan ran towards it, and threw a tiny ball of fire, which exploded when it hit the creature.
"Tyler!" yelled the creature in english. I then knew it was my mother talking. I ran over to the body, and kneed down next to it.
"I am not your mother." was the last thing i heard out of her mouth, and she turned to dust. I was already crying when logan walked over to me. He sat next to me, and i hugged him. I crew into his shoulder as the sun began to fall. I then realized that the potion i put in the soup must have done that to her. I stopped crying, and i stood up.
"Are you alright?" logan asked.
Yeah i just have some business to take care of. I said as i grabbed my sword. I had so many questions rushing around in my brain i could have gone insane. I walked back to the market to kill a witch.

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