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Wait, why did I think my cute little penguin was a hot pingu?

Hmm, I should go back to the penguin, I walked back to my room to find the penguin gone.

"Penguin!?" I shouted "Where are you!?!?"

I looked around the room he was nowhere to be seen!!

"What do I do!?" I panicked, I looked under my bed, under his bed, in the closet and even on the ceiling fan, he was literally nowhere!

Then I saw it, my opened window.

He must have jumped out the window!!

I quickly ran to my window and looked around. He couldn't have gone too far, I closed my window and locked it as I ran out my door running around my house in case he was just playing an innocent game of "Hide and Seek". He was nowhere. I started to panic, what if someone kidnapped him? I suddenly have an idea! The police! I run to the nearest police station bursting through the doors. "HELP, I LOST MY PET PENGUIN" I yelled. "Ma'am....penguins are illegal here.."

Letrica and the penguinWhere stories live. Discover now