Chapter 7 - Flirting with Disaster

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Tibby was holding Boo's hand as they quickly walked over to the cornfield, the tall stalks concealing them from prying eyes. River was close behind, his mind still reeling from what was happening. So many questions were clouding his thoughts. How did Boo meet Tibby? Why was he helping him? How had all of this escaped the notice of the guards?

"Is this the one you said you met last night?" Tibby asked Boo, looking up with inquisitive eyes.

"It is." Boo was looking at River when he answered, his expression a mixture of confidence and questioning. As if he was willing River to speak up.

"And we can trust him?" Tibby asked while turning to look at River as well.

"Yes, you can," River said, kneeling to the ground. "I want to help. And to prove it, you should know exactly who I am, who my fath-"

He paused, lowering his head with a groan. River had just decided to reveal his father's identity. The hope was that doing so would prevent any future awkwardness. Get the difficult truth out early. That being said, there was nothing easy about vocalizing it. Especially not when his father had undoubtedly done something to separate Tibby from his parents.

"My father is the one who owns this house. These fields. He's the one sending the soldiers into the Marshlands to kidnap innocent swampfolk and forcing them to work for him."

Tibby stepped backwards, moving slightly behind Boo's right left leg. There was fear in his eyes and worry on his face. The expression was enough to break River's heart. He had no idea what the kid had endured or what was going to happen to him. Regardless, seeing that look of desperation caused River to vow, in that moment, to do anything he could to keep Tibby safe.

"I promise you, I am not my father," he said, feeling his voice break. "I don't agree with anything he's done, and if I could undo all of it, I would. He is a monster."

The look of fear faded. Coming out from behind Boo, Tibby walked over to River. Since River was still kneeling, the horned child was able to reach out and put a hand on the side of his face, offering a warm, tusk filled smile.

"Having a Da like that must be hard."

Whether it was the comforting hand on his face or because he'd simply talked about the man he hated so much, River's eyes blurred as the tears welled up.

"It is," he answered, a few tears leaking out. "But my problems are nothing compared to what he's put other people through. Is your father one of his prisoners?"

Tibby nodded his head, his own eyes starting to water.

Taking Tibby's hand into both of his own, River's face became one of determination and purpose. "I promise I will help you find him. We will get him out of here."

Rubbing both of his eyes with tiny balled fists, Tibby smiled. "I can see why Boo likes you. You are very kind."

"Wait, what?" Boo asked, watching from a distance with his arms crossed. "I never said I liked him." Glancing over at Boo with slightly flushed cheeks, River couldn't tell by his expression what he was actually thinking.

"You didn't have to," Tibby responded without looking back, still smiling at River. Crossing his arms and nodding confidently, he pointed his tail in River's direction. "If Boo trusts you, I will trust you too. And I will make sure that Deemo trusts you, although that won't be easy. She doesn't like most people."

"Deemo?" River repeated. Just how many swampfolk were secretly roaming the grounds?

"My friend. She's a light sprite. She's also supposed to be looking after me and keeping me out of trouble, but I dragged her here to help me find Da, soooo..."

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