Chapter four: Dead or alive we will all come home together

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Jaune pov---------
I stand by a podium in front of our troops. It has been 4 months since the students of beacon joined the cog and tomorrow we go into combat for the first time together.  I get everyone's attention and begin my speech.

"Men and women of the cog you have trained to fight, kill and die if necessary for humanity, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side. Tomorrow we go into combat together....
(40-2:08 it is part of jaune's speech)

"Get some rest because it will be your last chance." As the crowd disperses I make my way to my room. I walk up to my bedside table and pick up a jar. It is filled with the cog tags of every soldier I have ever lost. It is also why i am terrified to lead this assault. If i fuck up once everyone dies. Sighing I lay down and close my eyes, already prepared for the nightmares.


It's time. I head to the armory and open my locker. I grab my armor and begin to put it on piece by piece. When I first joined it was strange, bulky, and heavy. Now it's like a second skin, if feels more strange to not wear it. Pulling my weapons from the locker I inspect them to make sure they are working and then grab my ammo. I begin walking out of the armory to the raven platforms. As I walk in silence the sound of my heavy metal boots is the only sound. Stopping at the door I take a deep breath then open with and walk into the launch zone. "Everyone get your asses to the ravens we have a city to retake.

They don't need to be told twice and instantly begin to board the ravens. It amazes me to this day that we were able to turn huntsman and huntresses in training into soldiers. I jog over to the last raven and get on. As it begins to take off I turn and see Marcus watching us leave. I wave to him and then take my seat. It's a two hour flight but there is no time to relax because you never know when the locus are going to ambush.


The city comes into view in the distance. The once proud city of vale now a bunch of ruins. "All pilots take us down a klick outside of the city we can't have you getting shot down." "Roger we'll set down in that clearing up ahead." It takes a couple minutes before the ravens begin to land. I imagine this clearing is quite the sight 100 king ravens loaded to the max with troops and supplies setting down all at once. Once they have landed we disembark and unload all the gear and supplies and set up a base camp. It's a four hour round trip so in about 4 hours 3000 gears including delta are going to land here. For now the 1200 of us that are already here are to start retaking the city. "EVEYONE LOAD UP AND LET'S MOVE OUT!"

We begin to make our way to vale. It takes about an hour at walking speed but we finally reach the city outskirts. "Alright everyone listen up omega squad is going to take the majority of the force to secure the city center and capital building. I'm going to take the 400(looked it up) from beacon and attempt to reclaim the school. Move out." I motion for the troops that are going with me to follow me and start to skirt around the edge of the city towards beacon cliff. About half way there we Suddenly hear distant gunfire erupted in the direction of the main group of our men.

Pressing on we reach the base of the cliff. It's a good the oz decided to put this secret emergency rout here so we can climb right up. It takes a few minutes for the first of us to reach the top. As we do a single loud gunshot goes off and Cardin, Who was right beside me, plummets back down the cliff with a hole in his throat. I take cover behind a fallen tree and scan the school for the sniper. Out of the corner or my eye I see them in the courtyard i motion for the others who are already up here to engage and fire a burst from my lancer that hits the wall beside it and makes it take cover. Almost immediately more locusts fire at us and we fire back. I fore a few rounds at a grenider who is about to toss a frag. My shot hits it in the head and kills it immediately causing the frag to fall and kill some of the other locusts. "PUSH UP WE HAVE TO GET A BETTER FOOTHOLD!"  I vault from the tree and run to the corner of the building and blid fire around the corner. The thud that follows tells me I hit something. A few more of us have made it up here and we are slowly gaining ground.

I swap a new mag into my lancer  and step out of cover and drop to charging grubs. By now we are all up here and have made it to the front entrance. "Split up into your squads and clear the school." I kick open the door and head towards the headmaster's office. I make my way there with way to much ease. Something about this doesn't feel right. Out of 400 troops we only lost twelve so far something doesn't add up. Suddenly I hear a chainsaw behind me and turn to block it with my own. I struggle with the grub for a while with it pushing me towards the broken window. Getting an idea I side step and let it's momentum carry it to the edge of the window. I then kick it sending it to it's death. "Captain arc this is coco something huge just hit us. Me, Fox, And Yat are wounded what ever it is it took velvet." I start running towards their location. "What can you tell me." "It's fast and strong and it looked like it was a regular human but 8 feet tall." My eyes widen a little not out of shock but anger so that bastard did join the swarm. He was like a brother to me but now I'm out for blood.

Alrighty yall it's back. Don't expect regular up dates tho

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