chapter five: between phases

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(Jaune pov)

I jogged through the halls of beacon toward cfvy's location. It seems that the locust have pulled back to support their troops in the city center. I round a corner and see them all wounded. Coco and fox only have light injuries but yat on the other hand is in pretty bad shape. I walk over and wrap one of yats arms around my neck. "Come on we've gotta get back to the others so medics can tend to your wounds." As we are walking I turn my head towards coco. "I need you to tell me what happened." "We had just finished securing a dorm room and as soon as we reentered the hall it hit us. It looked like an 8 foot human all decked out it locust gear. It hit fox first throwing a right hook into his ribs and the kicking him into the wall. I turned in it with my mulcher and so it went for me next grabbing my gun and ripping it from my hands. It the slammed me into the wall and the need me in the face. It was at that point yat engaged it in hand to hand and well as you can see it didn't go so we." I sigh and shake my head. "It never does when someone tries to fight him." She looks wide eyed and confused. "Sir?"what you were attacked by was a traitor. He was an original member of my squad. He had been acting funny ever scince wo got separated in an emoltion mine. Then on day we are sent on a mission and are ambushed. The kicker was the bugs weren't firing at him and he wasn't firing at them. Before I could ask him what the fuck he was doing he opened fire on the squad killed everyone but me. If I had to guess the reason he took velvet is he fancied her and is going to try to turn her." Panic fills her face and she starts shaking. "Well then shouldn't we be trying to get her back asap." We come to the courtyard and I set yat down on a stretcher the medics have set up as a hospital bed. "We will but we have to be organized about it. From the sounds of hit the other gears have arrived and we should soon be ready for phase to. So for now get your injuries tened to, restock and get your remaining squadmates ready. Cuz once they give the word we are taking the fight to them." She snaps a crisp salute and I turn on my left foot and make my way to where they have set up a radio. "Omega squad, this is delta two what's the sitrep over" "delta two, Omega squad the main force has arrived and we managed to drive the bugs back into their holes."good that means we can move to phase two. Get the grindlifts ready to go in one hour. Once we tind to our wounded we will regroup on you and hit em where they live."


This is it we are about to launch an actual offensive aginst the grubs. I walk up to a group of gears that are resupplying. The first is a towing mass of muscle. He stands 6'8" and is very well built. He has short brown hair and armor very much like coal trains. This is Rex ( a new member of the cog who joined after his mother and sisters were among other things killed by the grubs. The event caused him to go just a bit over the deep end, but let's be honest who hasn't) Beside him is Nathan Crow the short guy of the group. He stands a little over 5'4"( he makes sure to remind everyone it's 5'4" and a half) he had dark brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin. Him and Rex are the closest members of the squad as they joined at the same time though for different reasons. The final member is a female wolf faunus with both a tail and ears, hip length dark purple almost black hair and piercing golden eyes. This is serenity willow the first person to be both a huntress and member of the cog. She is the council's attempt to build the public's trust in the cog. One final note on serenity is that she is the mom of the squad. The three soldiers look up as I approach but then go back to gearing up. Nathan has standard cog gear where as Serenity is equipped with a longshot, a next gen mark 3 lancer and two boltok pistols and Rex has a custom lancer a pair of gnasher shotguns and a pair of sawed offs. Rex and Nathan seem to be relaxed and ready calmly making sure they are full on ammo and grenades. The huntress of the group is a little different, her hands are shaking and while I at first think it's nervousness looking into her eyes I see it's both worry and anger. I place my hand on her shoulder causeignher to glance up at me. "Relax, fox only recieved minor injuries and has already recovered. Besides because of yat's condition and their missing squad mate they are going to be transported back to base until this phase of the assult is over." She nods and stops shaking however she is clearly still trouble. The radios are filled with the voice of chairman Prescott as he gives a decently inspirational speech and then gives the order for all squads to board the geindlifts. My squad walks up the stairs to our geindlift and strap ourselves in. As the doors begin to seal I see coco and fox give us a salute and then board a king raven back to base. "Little bugs little bugs you can hide but you can't run."I look over to the source of the deep voice and give Rex a "seriously" look and then the grindlift shoots downward into the ground.

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