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I was crying my eyes out, stood in the middle of the room. I heard a chair scrape across the floor then I felt someone's arms around me. I knew it was Jake because I could smell his cologne. I smiled slightly as everyone else got up to join the hug. I cried harder because I loved all of them so much. I felt Jake whisper in my ear.

"No matter what we're always gonna be here for you. Ok?"

I nodded against his chest. We all separated and I sat down next to Rosa, wiping my eyes.

"Is all of your stuff at his place?" Charles asked.

"No. When I moved, I only took a few things. The rest of it's still at Gina's."

"Yes. And I will say that I have been wearing some of your clothes to dance practice. Hashtag sorry, not sorry."

"It's fine, Gina. Don't worry about it."

"Ok. We need to devise a plan. Max, I don't think any of us want you on the scene, so you and Gina stay at hers. Is there anyone else you really trust to stay with you?" Jake said.

I looked around the room and thought for a minute.

"Terry... As long as Gina promises not to get weird and hit on him."

"No promises. I will try my best."

"While Max, Gina, and Terry hide out in Gina's apartment, the rest of us will go to Donny's apartment, and arrest him for what he's done."

"Not just because it's you. Because it's a crime."

"Yes, thank you, Rosa."


"Hey, Max. What's Donny's last name?"

"His full name is Donald Andrew Smith."

Amy typed his name into the computer to find his criminal record.

"Oh my god."


"He's been charged with sexual assault fourteen times across the country."

"Are you serious?"

I looked at her screen to see his mugshot along with a list of every state that he had been charged in.

"Kentucky, Hawaii, California.... And it's not just sexual abuse. There's public urination, dealing illegal drugs... Oh my god!" I was in shock.

"What is it?" Rosa came up to us.

"He's forty-two."

"Jeez. Seventeen years older." Jake looked a little grossed out.

"He told me he was twenty-seven. Ulgh, I feel disgusting."

"No. He should feel disgusting. He took advantage of you and abused you for two years. It's not your fault."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks, Jake."

"So we go tonight at 8:30. Max..."

"I sent Santiago the address. I'll be at Gina's at 8:15 with Terry... I promise." I added after seeing the slight concern on Jake's face.

"Ok. Plan sorted. Everyone knows their stations." We all nodded. "K, cool. Nine-nine!"



I was sat on Gina's couch, bobbing my leg subconsciously, with Terry's arm wrapped around my shoulders. I was worried about the rest of the squad and I could tell it was getting to them.

"Max! Your incessant tapping is driving me insane! Can you chill out?"

"Sorry. I'm just worried. I'm not doing on purpose."


"Ready? Go, go, go, go!"

"NYPD! Get on your knees, hands on your head!"

"Donald Smith, you are under arrest for physical and sexual abuse of Maxine Anderson."

"What? No, she's lying. I never touched her. She's doing this for attention!"

"We also have fourteen other accounts of you doing the same thing across the country."

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."


There was a knock at Gina's door. She opened it and the five filed into her apartment. I immediately got up and ran over to Rosa to hug her.

"Oh my god, I was so worried. Are you guys ok? What happened?" I said as I let go of her and went to hug Jake.

"It was fine. Mark took him to the holding cell in the precinct. But something weird happened."

"What?" I pulled away from him.

"He said that you were lying for attention."

"Oh... Ok...." I couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes. "I don't understand. Why are you... What?"

"No, Max. That's not... We're not saying we don't believe you. We're just telling you what he said." He pulled me in for another hug as I tried to stop crying.

March 5th, 2017, 9:02am

I walked into the bullpen the next day with a somber mood.

"Hey, you ok?" Jake came up to me.

"Yeah, but I don't have anywhere to live. I mean, I could move back in with Gina but I know she likes her space."

He thought for a minute. "You can come live with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I have a sofa bed. You can take my bed. I have just enough storage for another person."

"Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure, Max."

"Thank you, Jake."


I was in my old bedroom with Donny standing over me. He was hitting me repeatedly and forcing me to remove my clothes. I was crying and he forced me down on the bed with his hand around my throat. He kept squeezing tighter and tighter.....

I woke up, sobbing with someone's arms wrapped around me. I turned into him, crying in his chest, as he kissed my head and stroked my hair.

"It's ok, you're ok. I'm here for you."

I eventually managed to calm down and he got up from the bed. He was about halfway to the door when I called out to him.

"Jake.... can you stay with me.. please?"

He got back into the bed and he pulled me into him. I snuggled slightly into his side. I then raised my head and whispered to him.

"Thank you.." I softly kissed his cheek, before cuddling back into him and falling asleep.

March 6th, 2017, 9:20am

I was at Rosa's desk with her, Gina, and Amy.

"I had a real bad nightmare about Donny. But Jake must've heard me crying cause he came and made me feel better. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead to comfort me.."

"Yeah, ok." Rosa snorted.

"What? It was a friendly kiss."

"There's no such thing as a friendly kiss, Max."

"Um, tell me, Rosa. Have you seen any episode of Friends ever?"

"I love that show. But I think Ross is kinda boring." Amy interjected.

"Amy, you're such a Monica."

"Such a Monica." Gina agreed.

"You're missing the point. Max, Jake's in love with you."


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