years passed ch. 1

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chapter 1.

Years has passed since the lady found you on her door step and took you in as her own since you didn't know your real mother you called her mother and she always wanted a child of her own as the years went on you and your new family had fun she always read you bed time stories and kiss you goodnight like a real mother would. You will always see her smile when she saw you it made you happy inside. You were now only 4 years old you got up from your bed looking seeing you cat ears all tangled in your wild (h/c) hair you tried untangling it but you failed there's only one person you loved the most and that person is your mother,"mommy my hwir got stuck again can you help me pwease", you said giving her puppy eyes she couldn't say no to you your just to adorable,"yes my dear", she untangled it one by one then heard a sound,"oops my tummy mama I hungry", you said, she tickled you making you roll around laughing,"well let's see who's fastest", you ran on all fours which is not wired because your half cat,"h-how... Do you... Do it?", your mother asked holding her hand to her chest breathing heavily but you on the other hand shrugged and went in to the kitchen and sat down your mother walked in going in the freezer getting waffels and bacon and eggs then your father got up you sit up from your chair and hugged his leg since you're were short and only 4 years old. Your fluffy (f/c) tail was moving side to side with happiness,"oh hello sweetheart", your father said smiling down at you,"good morning daddy", you said hugging him still you loved him as well he was the one who always kept you happy and laugh with his funny jokes. As you pulled away from his leg you went to back to sit down your mother got your plate of breakfast ready she placed down on the table but you forgot one thing you carry around all the time your stuff animal kitty you always went to sleep with it every night it was something you just had to have, as you went upstairs to get it your mom and dad were kissing it grossed you out,"eww I'm still here you know", they both saw you and laughed,"come on (y/n) time to eat", you ran and jumped on top of a chair and you took a bite of your waffle you setted down your stuff kitty,"mmm mommy this is good", you said taking a few more bites of your food,"well thank you (nickname)", that nickname she gave you made you happy because it suited you. After breakfast your mother took you in the bathroom you was gonna take a bubble bath which you loved even knowing cats hate water you weren't full cat, as the bubbles full the tube with warm water you undress yourself and climbed in as your mother washed your hair you played with the bubbles they flew over at your mothers head you laughed,"what are you laughing at?", your mother said looking up she saw the bubbles on her head and started to laugh,"mamas a bubble head", you said laughing. after the bubble bath you got dressed into a blue dress with little flowers on it and your mother dried your hair after she saw you she laughed,"what's so funny?", you asked she brang a mirror and you saw yourself you laughed harder then her you looked like a fur ball your hair was fluffy and your tail and ears. Your birthday was in a week but since they didn't know your original birth date they decided to make it in the day they found you but they wouldn't tell you that because if you knew that they were not your real parents you would be depressed then you would ask questions like why didn't your real family keep you so they never will tell you so it doesn't affect your life even knowing they wouldn't know why would a person give up a child like you I mean so what if you had different things that normal people didn't, your still amazing! in your parents eyes your perfect they couldn't ever give you up you completed there life. As you skipped around your house you saw a shadow but this shadow wasn't any it was something that made you scared as you started at the shadow your (f/c) ears bent down because of fear your hair on your tail standed up the shadow moved you backed away as the shadow came closer you hid under your bed sheets hoping the scary thing will go away after 5 minutes you took your head out but then saw a thing that haunted you the shadow was in front of you. You screamed loud your parents heard this and ran to check on you,"(Y/N)! Sweetheart are you OK?!?", your dear mother said running into your room with your father behind her,"mama I saw a monster he scared me", you said crying into your mothers chest she rubbed your back comforting you,"sweetie there's no such thing as monsters long as mommy and daddy are here no one will hurt you ever", you mother made you feel better but you knew what you saw and you will never forget it.

~week later~

A week has passed since you seen that shadow thing you felt scared every night hoping it wont come back but today you had no worrying about that today was your 5th birthday and it was very special day your mother said. As your eyes fluttered open you smelled something good yummy smells filled the air you got your stuff kitty Kat and ran downstairs you saw your mother making breakfast and your father sitting drinking a cup of coffee they didn't notice you so you tried to roar like a tiger but since you were so little you just made a cute little meow,"meooow!", you said they heard this and smiled big at you,"oh my we have a tiger in are house what have you done to are daughter?", you mother said in a playful voice you giggled,"I ate her but im still hungry!", you said giggling your mother laughed so did your father,"of course", your mother got you a plate of food ready you sat down and taking small bites,"(y/n) do you know what day it is?", your father said but you guessed,"um turtle day?", you said they both laughed

"Nope today is your birthday and after you eat up and get ready we will have a party", your mother said your (e/c) cat eyes grew with excitement and happiness and you tail was going back and forth you were very happy,"yay! OK mommy I'm done time for the bath come on hurry!", you said running upstairs,"so we not gonna tell her ever", your father said your mother frowned,"its the right thing to do roger", she said going upstairs.

Your mother met you upstairs in the bathroom waiting for her to start the bubble bath as she did you got in.

~10 minutes later~

After taking your bath your mother got your clothes ready she picked out a pink rainbow dress with rainbow socks that match after dressing you she headed downstairs leaving you, you smiled knowing today was gonna be really fun you was sure of it.

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