you bastard ch. 3

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chapter 3.

You saw a boy doing something to there faces making smiles...

You fell tears go down your cheeks everything is gone your parents that you had so many happy memories are gone they loved you they never saw you as a freak ever! They said you were amazing daughter and you mean the world to them and like that its all gone.... You sob loudly the boy heard your sobbing,"awe don't cry just look at them there so beautiful", you looked up with tears poor out your eyes,"you fucking bastard!!", you said with hatred

,"no that's no way to treat a guest", he said laughing you looked at him a little closer seeing his jet black hair and his white as snow skin with something that will haunt you forever his smile it was carved into his face all the way to his ears a forever lasting smile. You sob even more you look at them and look back at him you are filled with hatred you are with rage he runs at you holding you by your neck up to the wall,"shall we make you beautiful", he said laughing like a maniac he raised the knife to your face but before it could touch you your claws came out you growled.

You clawed his arm making his knife fall with you he screamed, you did what your father taught you you kicked him in the stomach making him fall you got on top of him and punched him the face,"you fucking killed my parents!!", you said with rage and cried tears pouring down your face he pushed you off making you fall to the ground," kitty", he holded the knife up but then he heard police sirens he made a run for it he jumped out the window leaving you.. You were confused you were sad you were full of anger you had to run to if you stayed they think you killed them and take you away. You took your stuff kitty Kat and phone you looked at your mother and father a tear fell from ypur (e/c) eyes,"i love you mom and dad goodbye",you never told them goodbye with that you jumped out the window on all fours successfully you ran in the Wood's near by you now are alone no one to care for you, or anything the worst part of it was it happen on your birthday everything was going to hell everything that you loved dearly has died your heart feels empty and alone. As you kept walking you bumped into something you looked up seeing a boy but he was familiar it was.. Jake you felt something wrong you looked at your side seeing blood drip out you lost a lot you started seeing back dots your vision went dark you blacked out.

~jakes POV~

I was walking in the short part of the woods looking for my dog he was no where to be found as I stopped hearing foot steps a saw a girl running she bumped into me as she looked up she smiled and looked down at her side i could see a deep cut bleeding she then fell blacking out but I caught her I looked at the girl closer..... Is was (y/n), I gasp and picked her up in bridal style as well of her stuff I felt something move under my hand I saw tail I almost dropped her I was startled by it she wasn't normal she also had ears to match i had to hurry quickly shes losing to much blood.


Your eyes fluttered open waking up you felt sore and week you could hardly get up you looked around this didn't look like your home it was different the walls were light blue and the carpet was black there was a TV and a dresser by the dresser was a large window you try to smiled but failed you remembered from last night your eyes went soft you remembered your patents laying there dead because that boy! You swore you will have revenge on him you started to sob in pain loudly but startled by a voice,"(y/n) is that you?!", you wiped the tears away trying to act like it never happen but failed he walked in hugging you tightly,"your ok... I though i lost you back there", you felt your cheeks started to heat up then you started to remember something your stuff kitty Kat were was it?,"Jake weres my stuff kitty?", he went into a bag grabbing the stuffy as he gave it to you, you felt the worries went away everything all because you had to things that remembered you of your parents the necklace and the stuff kitty kat you had for many years as you hugging it you felt something inside it was pointy you pulled out a picture of a woman with cat ears and a tail she was with other people no... Not people...monsters you saw a tall man with no face and a few others but why would a picture like this be in your stuff kitty who put this in here? You felt confused who are these things! But then there was something else you saw a locket..... With the same woman but she was holding a child you could see the face of the baby it looked..... Like you behind the picture was writing.

"The lovely family",

You paused thinking why was this stuff here in your stuff kitty who is this woman? Why am I in the picture with her?.... Your confusion got the best of you you couldn't think straight, you looked once more at the woman's face you remembered her.


You looked into your mothers feline like eyes she smiled at you as she was she made a stop she placed you on something you heard her knock then she looked back at you as someone came to answer the door you heard a gasp

~flashback ends~

You covered your eyes you were so blind this hole time your real mother is that lady why did she give you away? Why didn't she keep you like a mother? Did she even love you? But what made you mad was your parents who look you in since you were just a kitten never told you!... You felt hurt you couldn't believe they would do this your hole life has been a lie! You were interrupted by a voice

,"uh (y/n) you OK?", Jake said waving a hand you looked at him with a tear falling down your eyes,"jake... I hate my life it has been a lie! Nothing but a lie", Jake pulled you in a hug

"Shh calm down wanna talk about it?", he said trying to comfort you but it hardly helped,"well I think she would like a girl to talk to", both of you looked at the door seeing a girl with long brown hair and light green eyes you saw she was just like you but she was half fox here tail was white and fluffy and also her ears,"oh its you!", Jake said,'wait he knew this girl she's just like me', you thought ad the girl came closer

,"come on go Jake let the girls talk besides I'm better with these things", the girl said Jake exited the room..

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