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Bellissa Rose Beathy

'Good morning, daddy.'

'Morning Bell. You're up early?'

'Yes, I have to get to the office, Hendrick will be try very hard to persuaded me, to help out with his company financially.'

'There is my CEO, girl. Now go and be, the great CEO I know you are.'

'Thank you daddy. Now I know you had a few miss hap's with some of your light inventions daddy but I have high hope for your latest one.'

'Thank honey. Now go and please drive safely out there the snow got much worst last night, and I will call you later to tell you how my interview went.'

'Great. I will drive safe, bye dad. Love you.' I said as kissed his cheek quickly and ran out the front door. I insisted dad move in with me when mom died five years ago of stomach cancer. I ran out to my car and drove to my office building. I have build a communications and research company from the ground up and I am now one of the richest businesswomen in the whole of Paris, but I choose to have my business building in my home town of Lille. I was born here and I grew up here. Everything I know is in Lille. Arriving at my office building. The very annoying Gaston waited for me at the elevator as I reach the top floor. Gaston hand me, my third cup of coffee for the morning.

'Good Morning Bell.'

'Morning Gaston. Don't you have something to do before Hendrick arrives at nine?' I just want him to back off, he is always pushing himself on me and I always hated that when guys did that. Even in school when guys did that to me. That is why I vowed not to date anyone in school or until I found the one I was meant to be with, and Gaston quite frankly, really-really is not the one. Just because we went to a few company functions together he thinks we are, the way he puts it makes me feel violently sick. How does he put; "born for each other". Puke! What can I do he is second in charge of my company. I have given him warning upon warning on his behavior against me. Maybe I must just fire his ass. I am his boss after all.

'Maybe we can do lunch, later?' Gaston said as he walked me to my office.

'No. Gaston, the answer is absolutely, NO!'

'What? Why not?'

'Because I have told you a million times before already that the answer is no. Now I need those mergers on my desk in the hour.' With a slick creepy grin on his face, he walked off and then it was not ten minutes later he was back and sliding the merger reports over my desk towards me.

'Thank you.'

'I've done them last night.'

'Good, now please leave and close my door behind you on your way out.' I said as I pick up my phone and I called Clive from my legal department. He deals with all personnel problems and legal matters.

'Clive, morning.'

'Miss Beathy, good morning.' Clive said all business like. 'How may I help you, madam?'

'I have a situation, with Gaston. He keeps harassing me. How do we proceed?'

'We can finally close the case against him for sexual harassment as his final warning and we can pull up a restraining order against him as well for you ma'am.'

'How long will it take to get it into motion then?'

'Give me today madam and you'll have it on your desk tomorrow morning.'

'Thank you, Clive. I owe you lunch to say thank you.'

'There is no need Miss Beathy. I love working for you and I am glad to help.'

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