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Bellissa Rose Beathy

I lay in my bed thinking about this wonderful past Sunday afternoon with Herne and how we've been talking about and confessing to each other. I never in my wildest childhood dreams thought I would date a king one day. The thought is both thrilling and nerve-racking at the same time, what are a girl to do, when a wonderful man with a heart of pure gold tells you that he loves you and you-him. I have never in my life felt like this before. I feel like a teenager again. I finally close my eyes turned on my sleeping side and drift off into a dream of happiness and laughter.

The next morning at six-thirty I was up getting ready for work. We have a large check to write out to the different volunteer centers in Africa with the generous amounts everyone spends Saturday night, we can feed a lot of people in Africa. I just finished with my make-up and is about to zip my high heel boots up when there was a knock at my door.

'Come in.' I said as I put my earrings in my ears, my medium size hoops. I looked back at the door, and it was Herne.

'Good morning, beautiful.'

'Good morning, handsome.' I said smiling up at him folding my arms around his neck. 'You sleep well?'

'Not a wink.'

'Why? What's wrong?' I asked feeling really concerned.

'I was thinking about us all night.'

'Really? What about?' I asked very curiously, as I smiled at him.

'Of how lucky I am to have you in my life and if this goes the way we both hoped how wonderful our future looks together.'

'Yeah, it does look pretty great for now, doesn't it?'

'Yes, it does.' He said and gave me a knee numbing smile. 'Are you ready for breakfast?'

'Yes in a minute. I just need to pack my laptop and get my jacket then we can go.'

'Okay.' He said and sat on my bed looking at me go about my business. Once I was ready he carried my laptop bag and jacket for me to the dining room where we had breakfast. The kitchen staff must have heard from Marcus about us because both Herne and I received heart-shaped eggs and toast with little hearts on them. We both laughed at this but breakfast couldn't get any better. After breakfast Herne walked me to my waiting car when a very heavy snowstorm set in.

'I don't want you to go out there on the roads when the weather is like this.' He said as we are about to step outside.

'I can reschedule my meetings for tomorrow. I only have a few for today.'

'Are they important?'

'Yes, a bit it involves the big break in- in Japan.'

'Can you rather use the conference call I have in my office to still have your meetings from here.'

'May I, that would make things so much easier.'

'Of course, you may, love. Stay here I let the driver know you guys aren't going anywhere.' He said and head out into the heavy snow and told the driver the weather is too bad and that we will rather stay here today. I waited for him to return and ten minutes later Herne is back at my side. He led me to his office and I settled at an extra desk they carried in for me into his office it's a temporary one yet we both worked side by side.

My phone started to ring off the hook and I was so busy in a minute's there was a side room to his office and I would walk in there when Herne was busy with his own stuff on the phone. When I had my conference calls Herne left me to my calls and he went elsewhere, leaving me to work. I establish that I will be flying out to Japan mid-Thursday afternoon. Ingrid said she will call Theo my pilot to make the necessary arrangements for our flight. My last conference call ended after two in the afternoon and I feel exhausted already.

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