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King Herne IV Geffory

Tokyo is a strange foreign place to someone like me, but I'm lucky to. I have my very own tour guide and Japanese translator all rolled into one beautiful woman. I love her so much. Bellissa Rose Beathy, birthday 14 April, that is in a month and a half from now. Wait a minute? That means valentine's day is in six days. What am I going to do? I'll just have to think of something. Bell's face is full of glee when she turns to face me as we stood on the balcony of our room. After that we unpacked, we head out again to Bell's office building.

Once there, she checked in on the guys that are installing the servers. She is so multi-talented. She talked to the men in Japanese, and they would just nod their heads and answered her. Bell took my hand and we head up to her office on the top floor. Although it's Saturday, there are a few key people here hard at work, trying to get everything up and running again before the new work week starts. Bell introduced me to Genevieve, head of her global forensic team, and I met Kasumi Yoto, Bell's second in charge when Bell's not here.

The Yoto girl looks like a lovely girl to get to know. We finally sat down in Bell's office and she got busy. Two hours later we head back down to the server room to see if there is any progress, and they were already halfway done with connecting the last two servers. We then head out of the building across the street to a small restaurant. We had a rather interesting lunch.

'I know everything is so foreign but I'll take you to see some amazing sights around Tokyo tomorrow if you like?'

'Bell as long as I am with you, we can go and do anything.'

'Awe, do you know how perfect you are, Herne.'

'I have a pretty good idea.' I smiled at her. Her phone rang it's Maurice, checking in on Bell.

'Hello, papa. How are you...' She was clearly cut off, as she listens intensly to her father, her whole face drained of color. She then looked up at me again. 'What? When? Four days ago... Yeah, I see. Yes- yes we are and you stay safe as well. I love you very much, papa. Bye.' My wild guess is, it's something to do with Gaston. She closes her phone as her face pales even more I thought she might pass out on me.

'What is it?' I asked taking her hand in mine.

'It's Gaston. The housekeeper at my Greek villa couldn't get a hold of me so she phoned my father instead. Gaston arrived there unannounced and told Mrs. Portokalos that I gave him permission to stay there. She got very suspicious about this whole situation and decided to find out for herself from me if I really did give my permission.'

'Smart woman. So call her back quickly.' I encourage Bell and she picked up her phone again and made the call as I settle the bill of the restaurant, then we head back to the office building while Bell was still speaking to her Greek housekeeper. Bell said something about the police in her Greek speech. That was all I could make out of the whole conversation. Bell finally end the call but look so tired with all the stress and strain she had to deal with. My poor Bell.

'You look so tired.' I whispered as I step closer towards Bell and drape my arm around her shoulder.

'You have no idea.'

'How long do we still have to be here?'

'I just want to make sure that the servers are installed then we can head back home.'

'Okay.' The elevator came to a stop on the floor where the server room is located. The men are just finishing up and we waited for them. Forty- five minutes later everything was done and cleaned up after them. We locked the server room and we head back up to Bell's office to get her things then finally heading back to the penthouse. Back at the penthouse, we both went straight to bed for a nice nap, we didn't get much sleep on the plane last night.

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