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Bellissa Rose Beathy

A few days of being back in Lille, Paris. News of our engagement spread throughout Paris, not just Lille. The whole country is in an excited uproar of the up and coming royal wedding. I was reading newspaper headlines as my driver and security drive me to work. My phone rang and it was Herne letting me know that it is on the news as well this morning. Great, so this is how it will be. I got out in the secured basement parking with newly fitted security features and my royal bodyguards. Herne insisted on them.

I walked into my building and everyone snapped to as I walked through the foyer of my building. Some even greeted me as I passed them. I got into the elevator and went to my office. About half an hour later, after I settled in my office, Clive came round to tell me that Gaston's court case has been scheduled for next week. Clive and I, we had coffee and talked about the court case and started to prepare for it. It was about ten in the evening when Herne called me furious that I'm working so late. Clive and I called it quits and head home.

I got home at the castle and faced with two very angry looking men. I know they care about me a lot that is the only reason. I explained to them why we worked so late and that only my father backed off a little, but as for Herne. I know my fiancé is only angry because he wants me safe; I am after all the future queen of Lille. I still can't wrap my head around that phrase.

'Bell, please I need you save and sound at home at a respectable time.'

'I'm sorry, Herne. How many times do I have to say it! Clive and I had to work late to prepare for Gaston's court case next week Thursday. It just doesn't give us much time to prepare everything we have against him.'

'I get that, but you can work here where you can be safe in the evenings.'

'It will be okay with you if we do that?'

'Of course, I just want you home after work so I can keep you safe, please.'

'As you wish, my king.' I gave a quick curtsy and folded my arms around Herne's waist. He kissed the top of my head.

'I love you so much Bell Beathy.'

'I love you more Herne, love of my life.' I looked up at him and we kissed for I don't know how long. Oh, this man, I have come to love him so much. I can't really see myself living without him ever. Marcus came into the family room where Herne and I were standing next to the window in each other's embrace. He cleared his throat.

'Yes, Marcus.' Herne looked up and smiled at him.

'Evening Miss Beathy.'

'Hello, Marcus.'

'Your majesty, Miss Beauty. I am here to give you my progress report on the wedding details.'

'Wonderful.' Herne said and we all head towards the couch. 'A distraction would be nice.' I just took Herne's hand and nod my head. Marcus told me that almost everything is set in motion and will be ready to taste cake samples sometime next week. My wedding gown designer will be here tomorrow morning at ten AM for measurements. We went over the reception menu, and finally, we have a five-course meal set out. With food both, what Herne and I both like so much. After that discussion, we all left and turned in for the evening.

I was in my room laying in the bath thinking about everything. Our trip in Tokyo, Greece and then the past two weeks. It has been such a tough few weeks. Then on top of everything my birthday is on the exact day of the court day. So happy birthday 'Nancy Drew', to me. Just thinking of facing that monster in a small courtroom grip's my chest with icy fear. I wash quickly and got out and ready for bed. I climb into bed and lay there trying to rid myself from my building fear. I fell asleep out of exhaustion. The next morning I got up and got ready in a rush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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