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King Herne IV Geffory 

I receive Bell's alarming last text she sends me, and I raced into action. I got a few of my guards in three cars and we raced off to the address Bell gave my driver earlier. Arriving at her house, no light on anywhere in the house. I could sense something is so wrong here. Bell's father lay on the floor, knocked out on the living room floor. My guards spread out through the rather large house. I shrug out of my jacket and lay it over the old man. Bell, where are you? I closed my eyes and let my senses guide me. Yelling and screaming are coming from upstairs, now.

The whole house was dark, not light on inside. I took the stairs two at a time with my guards in tow. I stood in front of the half-cracked door, bracing myself for what I might find, then pushed open the door, Bell is repeatedly yelling at a man hovering over her forcibly holding her down on the bed.

"No!', and then, 'get off me," she repeatedly yelling and struggling again this man's strength.

The man had her really pinned down on the bed. He ripped her clothes from her body as he busies himself with his fly. This man wants to rape Bell. That is where I stormed in and pushed him with all my strength off Bell so he falls to the floor on his back, knocking some wind from him. Good thing there is no light in the room, only the light from the streetlamp outside.

'How the hell are you?' This man who I think is Gaston, he spat at me with so much vile in his voice.

'I'm the man that can hurt you and on top of it all make you wish you never been born.' I snap back at him and in my pure anger. Gaston laughed and try to find his feet. Before he could stand, I press him down onto the floor with my one size 13 foot, and his erection clearly sticking out of his open fly. I gripped it in my hand leaned forward so he can see my grin as I started squeezing him harder and harder. Gaston later passed out because of the pain I am inflicting, I just kept squeezing harder still till I heard a faint pop sound. That will take care of a man such as this, he will forever now be a eunuch. I just did woman kinda huge service. I quickly turned and rushed to Bell.

'Bell? Bell?' I said in a panic.

'Yes,' she said in a faint voice, her breathing of horror still racing. She covers her now naked body with the bedsheets. 'Herne, you- you just saved me. Thank you.'

'You're welcome.' I said cupping her face. She really has amazing skin and then the silkiest soft dark brown hair, I have ever encountered. My guards came into her room and I asked them to just drop this sad excuse of a man near the hospital in the street. They immediately did what I asked them.

'You, okay Bell?'

'No, I'm- I'm not. How did he found out where I live?' She asked as she started crying. I pulled a folded clean handkerchief from his pants pocket and dried her tears.

'Shhh... It's all over now. Now go and change so I can take you home.' She nods her head and pulls the bed sheet around herself and went to change in the bathroom. I went downstairs where Bell's father came to. I kept my distance from him. I was rather cold and mean the last time we met.

'What are you doing here?' Her father asked me sitting up on the couch my guards lay him down on.

'Mr. Beathy, I came offering my help and not a moment too soon.' He looked at me strangely in the dark of the room. The only light that is coming into the room is from the street light outside. 'Mr. Beathy, I also want to offer you my deepest heartfelt apology for my horrid handling and my rude behavior towards you. Please accept my sincere apology.'

'I can forgive you for how you dragged me behind your horse in the snow, but it will take a lot more for me to forgive you for my daughter, that you just snag her away from me.'

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