Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

I will start updating more often. Be prepared Horndogs ;).

5 Minutes Later In Synae's pov:

I see him pull up. He was riding his black motorcycle. God, there are a ton of memories on that motorcycle. Like, the one time I jerked him off, and touched him while he was driving on express way. He growled so much and told me to stop before I get in trouble. Unfortunately, I'm stubborn as hell, so I didn't listen. Next thing I knew, we parked somewhere in the woods and I got the breaks beat off me. I couldn't even walk straight. The way he swirled in me and moved all types of way poking my walls. He made me cream and squirt all at the same time. Now, HE, he is a damn sex god. Sometimes, we do have our intimate moments where we cuddle and smoke and just laugh and talk, but most of the time we fuck and smoke.

He walks up to me and picks me up out of no where, and, off instinct, I wrap my legs around him and giggle like a fucking school girl. "Mutt. I wanna sit and talk and cuddle first. I've gotta talk to you about something." He says seriously. Uh oh...... I know I didn't use teeth the last time I sucked him up. So what's going on? "Okay." I respond dumbfounded.

I sit down, then he does the unexpected. He lifts me up and sits me on his lap after he sits down. "Yo you're acting weird as hell." I say looking him in his eyes. He started staring deep at me, like I was the most complicating puzzle ever, and he was the puzzler, relentless to solve it. Out of no where, he started tickling me, making me laugh so hard.

We made eye contact. He grabbed me by my neck. Not too hard, but it was firm. He knows just how to turn me on. He pulled me into a hungry kiss. His tongue smoothly ran over my tongue man times, asking for entrance. I didn't grant him that permission, and I was punished for it. He smacked my butt hard, jiggled it in his hands, and I yelped.

 He took that chance to slide his tongue in my mouth. I could do nothing but laugh and giggle. He Picked me up and spun me through the air, running with me over his shoulder through my yard and our neighbors back and forth. I was screaming and laughing like I was having the best time of my life. I've even called him by his name, and he allowed it. I've only always called him daddy or papi, but never by his actual name.

 Honestly, I don't understand how he is not tired, because I am and I'm not the one running around with a thick ass redbone smurf on their back. We stop in the neighbor's yard and he puts me down a little to where I'm able to wrap my legs around him. He starts kissing me so passionately and he supports my slowly falling body by gripping my ass and holding me up. We were interrupted by a low growl of a sort and a loud slam of a door. I looked back and saw Tyler, staring us down angrily.

Tyler's pov:I get in the house and corner Tina into a wall. pinning her arms above her head, I ripped her shirt off with my other hand and kissed down her body. Slowly going on my knees, I looked her in her eyes to see her blush. From this angle, she actually looks a little hot. After examining her, I yank her panties off, letting my teeth graze her lower belly. When I started to kiss on her stomach, there was giggling. But this giggling, it didn't come from Tina. I know it too well. Immediately, I look out the window. I forgot Tina was even there to be honest. All I knew, is Synae was laughing. Her happiness was caused by another man that was not me and I'm NOT okay with this. Then, I hear her say his name. "Kane!'' She called out repeatedly.

His scruffy jet black hair, blue eyes, tall and muscular figure. I knew it all too well as well, and no not in a gay way.

He was touching her, kissing her, making what's mine happy. She's mine. All mine. And no one else's. That's all I can fucking think about is her laying in my bed. And I don't know why. I barely fucking know her and look at me, head over heels over a fucking beautiful Demon queen. My question, though, is how does she know him?

And why does she know him so well for him to be able to pick her up and kiss her like that and make her laugh so freely?

Surely, they aren't related?! That's kind of hot but nasty at the same time! Anyway, that doesn't matter one bit. She's mine. She just doesn't know that yet. But tonight, I'm making sure she does know. I'll fuck her until she's in a fucking coma for months. She'll want no other guy. All She'll be able to think about is me. Then, I'll tell her the secret. The one I've never told anyone. The one Kane shares with me all day every day. He only understands. So he should Understand how I feel when he discovers that he's touching my ma-. Never mind.

All of this has been going through my head. I was so unaware of what was going on. I didn't even know that while I was in this train of thought. Something else had taken over me. As it always does when I get angry. When I look at where I'm at, I take notice that I'm outside, on my porch. My hand is gripping onto the post and I am fighting with myself to stay in control. He's touching what's mine, and all he's doing is looking and smiling at me like he just won a fucking race. I don't want to lose my best friend. But tonight... I might have to.

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