Chapter Two

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Synae's pov:

I'm feeling good today. Like better than usual. And Nowadays that's rare. After that incident, my life hasn't been the same. So much negativity has been rolling thru my life, hitting me like a fly swatter killing the big ass flies that dare fly in front of them.  But anyway, this feeling, I'm rolling with it. But to be honest I don't know if I'm really actually genuinely happy or if it's my best friend/ room mate's Happy-go-lucky juju rubbing off on me. Here's another thought: maybe it's just the weed. Maybe i smoked too much today that it just changed my overall state of being.

Just as I get done smoking my fifth blunt (which is a lot I know), one of my favorite songs come on. My baby daddy starts singing and i get my leprechaun midget ass up and i start singing and swaying my body to his song- Slow Motion. And if you Couldn't figure out that i meant Trey Songz is my baby daddy... you're utterly stupid. I feel the groove of his words and the beat of the song wiggle in my ear and flow through my body, telling me how to move what and at what time to whine and what time to just slowly rock. I open my eyes to see the beautiful sunlight but out my big window, i see a tall and lean but muscular man with fair skin and eyes as blue as the ocean just down the street staring me down, watching me as if i was his favorite show. And then, i did something so stupid, something i knew i would egret and something that you only see happen in books or really erotic movies.

 I danced for him. I extended my arm out slowly and pointed at him then curled my finger in action as to tell him to come here and i swayed my hips biting my lips looking him in his eyes. i raised my arms above my head so that the bottom of my boobs showed and slowly tried to kneel down so i could crawl to the window but not paying attention, my clumsy ass slipped and fell on my boobs. My hair had got caught in my eyes and i couldn't see a sock that was on the floor and i slipped. After a few seconds i came to the realization of what just happened. I just danced for a stranger in my favorite boxers to sleep in and a crop top. I want to hide here. On this floor. Forever. I hear the doorbell ring and i ran up hoping to cry in my best friend  Amilia's arms and tell her about my bad attempt of seducing a sexy Greek god while intoxicated with Cannabis. 

I open the door and cry as i embrace a warm body "Nee it was this hot guy and i da-" I was interrupted by a new York-Hispanic accent. "Nice to know you think i'm hot, mi neonata." I look up to see the sexy ass man i danced for just in my yard. I stopped embracing him as i felt my face getting hot. I see him talking to me but all i can imagine and dream about his his soft, pink and juicy lips on mine, and not the ones on my face. Thinking about this makes my legs squirm and i let out a whimper. I immediately come back to the realization of where i was and when i looked up at him i saw him looking down at me filled with lust. 

Suddenly, he pinned me to my door and he put his face in the crook of my neck. He lifted his head a little and nibbled on my earlobe and whispered with a deep husky voice, "I came offering sugar cookies, but now i catch myself wishing that you offered yours." he slid his hand down my body slowly but surely sending tingles to my spine and my body reacts to his and arches deep. I feel him smirk against my ear and i feel his hand slowly make circles around my clit and i let out a slight moan. He started rubbing on my slit and just as i felt his two long fingers enter me there was a thump.

Tyler's pov:

She's so fucking wet and sexy. I can't wait to have her pretty tight little pussy around my dick. As i put my 2 fingers in her slowly, i feel something hit my back hard that almost knocked the wind out of me. I turn around to see a short, milk chocolate female with red hair look at me with a murderous look. I look on the floor at the object that had hit me and it was a shoe. I looked back at the girl and saw that she was about the same height as the sexy neighbor. I just realized i didn't know her name and speaking of the devil she popped her head out and screamed in excitement and ran to the girl. "Amiliaaaa!" she jumped on the girl wrapping her legs around her waist but Amilia still eyed me. It was funny because she was shorter than an ant. "Synae did he drug you. I'll kill him babes." she squinted her eyes and i couldn't help but laugh. "I'm the neighbor.  I was just introducing myself and offering cookies." "offering cookies huh? Are you sure you were offering and not taking?" My phone had rang and it was work. I reluctantly answered and said my farewells leaving my gaze lingering on Synae. Till next time. And next time, i'll do it like it's my last time.

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