Chapter 5

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Sorry for the wait guys, i've just been really busy and going through things in my personal life but I PROMISE to do better at uploading. 

Here's a little something to hold you guys off until the next time i upload.


Synae's pov:When I turn around, I see Tyler damn near breaking his door post and staring at us. Must've been my giggles. "Sorry, Tyler. I'll try to calm it down." I say sincerely apologetic. I turn to Kane, and I see Humor flowing in his eyes, and him attempting sorrily to hold back a laugh. "Daddy, let's go in my house. We're Being loud and I think I should save my voice for later." I feel another presence and I turn to see Tyler very few centimeters away. His hot breath dancing along my neck where my collar bone is between my two beauty marks.His eyes are filled with lust, and the moonlight had shone so bright on his skin. My body is still clung to Kane's but Tyler grabs me by my throat and he pressed his cock in between my ass. "Daddy, you say?"He growls roughly in my ear. I feel Kane rubbing on my thighs, painfully slow. He moves from my thighs and digs his hands and nails in my ass while he nibbles and sucks on my ear- my best reacting soft spot. My body reacts the way they want by arching against Tyler's cock more and my big, luscious breasts press against Kane's chest. They both begin to kiss on the sides of my neck and push their members against me and lightly thrust. I swear, I would've fucked them both in his yard, but the breeze came by and I smelled perfume, perfume that was not mine. I look past Tyler to see a girl, the same bitch from earlier and she makes her way over to where i was being sandwiched my the sex gods. She comes by in what presumes to be Tyler's shirt and clings to his arms. He backs up with Kane still holding me, kissing my body hungrily with Tyler eyeing us as if he was jealous and angry. The girl looks at Kane, analyzing his face then goes, "Kane! Oh my gosh I was hoping i ran into you again. Last night was amazing, I mean, I still can't feel my throat hehe. But seriously you should really bring up your standards." I look at him and he looks back at me with his pulse racing searching my eyes for something. "Mad much?" I say with a giggle as i suck on Kane's fingers looking straight through her soul. She jumps a little then re adjusts herself then she goes "How does it feel to be tasting my pussy that he ate less than a day ago?"I feel my blood boil, in disgust, and in jealousy. I look at him as he stutters and gives me the ' I'm sorry ' look. All i can do is shake me head. That's all I did. I hop off him and run back my house and slam the door loud enough to wake the damn city up. Why am I even upset? He's a hoe. I guess I maybe Just wanted him to be my hoe.

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