Chapter 2

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With Pidge and Hunk getting closer to fixing the engine Keith and Angel go look for Shiro and Lance "Are you sure I should come? I mean, I'll only slow you down" she writes on her tablet before giving it to Keith, who chuckles "You deserve to see what changed, besides, Lance is a complicated guy who'd sooner listen to girls than to Shiro" he says handing the object back "I knew someone like that. Was always fun to tease him, but I can't talk right now" Angel writes before showing it "Sometimes actions speak louder than words". When he's stopped he looks at his new friend, who points to prints "Those aren't from one of your cats" he mumbles "Let's hurry".

Lance and Shiro are indeed cornered by the creatures, so Keith hands his knife to Angel before running over to help, the injured Altean putting her tablet away before following him "We had that!" Lance says when he sees who's helping him "Right, they were going to eat you" Keith counters and Shiro sighs when they start arguing, but Angel starts laughing "Glad you're finding this amusing" Keith says "They were about you eat you. They'll be back" "In other words, get out of here?" Shiro asks earning a nod "I have no objections of that." "Well hello there~ I wasn't aware there was such a lovely girl like you on the planet" Lance says when it finally registers Angel's presence, but she simply sighs and starts writing "Is it me or did flirting techniques get worse?", Keith starts laughing while Shiro just smiles "Let me guess, this guy you knew did a better job?". Upon returning to the ship they find Pidge hugging a cat while Hunk is in the kitchen and Keith gets handed a picture of Allura, Angel, Coran and someone else "Who's that?" Shiro asks, so Angel goes to a picture of Allura with the unknown Altean, they look like they're arguing or something "They look similar" Shiro says "They should, they're siblings, well were, he didn't survive" Angel shows them "Allura was the oldest, but her brother was by far the most reckless, in the end, his recklessness and need to prove himself to me killed him". With everyone there Hunk decides to ask the question Pidge and Keith don't want to ask "How did you injure your throat?" "Animals" is the very short answer he gets from Angel as she hugs two of the cats "Not those right?" Shiro asks, but Angel shakes her head, not understanding the question "What he means is, the other creatures don't look like animals" Pidge says earning a less than impressed look from Shiro "What? She's been stuck here since forever." "Guys I have good news" Coran says when the screen pops up "The storm is passing" "Great, let's get off this frozen piece of junk!" Lance says and before anyone can scold him he's on the ground, holding his nose "This planet is not a frozen piece of junk! There are crystals here worth more than your biggest house on Earth, there are crystals that make perfect gifts when you want to tell someone you love them, I can see Shiro got those" Angel says, although her voice is hoarse and she has to pause she gets the message across "It's been her home for ten thousant years Lance" Keith says and Pidge adds "And even if it wasn't, she's fond of this planet, despite being trapped here", they can hear Angel mumbles something along the lines off 'Should've let those things eat him' as she walks off towards another room.

Everyone has their lions in the air, although Lance is complaining about his broken nose to Allura "Why do you think she was there? She wanted to surprise my father with crystals, you can't call a planet a frozen piece of junk without knowing everything about it" she says "Your nose can heal the old fashion way". Angel flies her ship up, although it certainly has seen better days it still flies "Hunk, Pidge, stay close to her ship in case she loses engine power" Shiro says "So this tiny thing is worth more than the biggest house on Earth?" Pidge asks "I'll show it to you later Angel" she adds. The crystal Pidge has doesn't match the one Angel meant, so they go and do their research "Valuable, perfect gift, energy source and... what's this one?" "I have seen them before and I gathered a bunch, but I never figured it out" "Okay, time to find out" Pidge says with a sigh, not looking forward to it "By the way, that was a nice punch" she adds after a while and she gets a smile.

Allura is happy to see her best friend again and asks if Hunk can make some food for them "I think we can fix your throat" Coran says, but Angel shakes her head "I've gotten used to it" "But your voice was lovely" Allura says "Yes, but if I talk I might blurt out something I don't want, or go on a rant about how my father shouldn't even be alive and how I want to give him a piece of my mind" "Okay you have a point there" Allura mumbles as Hunk puts the food down "It's a bit different from what I usually make, but I figured soup would work wonders" "It's fine, since the injury has been there a while there's a chance it doesn't heal properly" Coran says "Shame, I liked hearing your voice, it's soothing" Hunk says "Soothing?" Angel asks surprised earning a nod "You know, when you're not scolding someone".

Despite the rather short lived discussion Coran drags Angel to the healing pods for her million other injuries "Here's the deal. If this does fix it you don't have to talk, but it's a wonder you're still alive". Of course things are never easy and Sendak ambushes them, but when he raises the healing pod he stops seeing who is in it "I thought she was dead, I will have to report this, preferably with her not dead like we all though", so to everyone's confusing and relief he retreats, not counting Coran and Allura, who know well enough he recognized their friend.

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