Daugther reader - red hood ( sad version)

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It has been many years since your adopted brother Jason Todd had dead, your father and older brother never told you much of his death and did the justice league. You hated that everyone had kept you in the shadows, about your brother's death you had a closer relationship with him then you had with the rest of your brothers and everyone knew about this.

Alfred" my lady where are you off to that this time of night"

y/n" oh hey Alfred you see I'm going to take a walk but I will be home shortly"

Alfred" sure miss but take ace with you as well, there have been many reports of those red masks people attacking and robbing people"

y/n" sure... ace let go for a walk" soon enough ace came walking over to you holding his lech in his mouth, you attached his leash to his collar and soon enough they both of you left Wayne manor.

y/n"......." you hated on how everyone started on treating you as a baby ever since you Jason had died, your father even stopped you from fighting crime.

y/n" I'm not a helpless child... why is everyone treating me like I'm some walking trainwreck" you soon had walked passed the cemetery where Jason was buried you really wanted, to go inside and see his grave but ace started pulling you away.

y/n" I'm coming... bye Jason" you enough you and ace stopped that a park and you let him off his leash, you sat on the bench and watched walking around. You started feeling tears coming down your face, and you wiped them away fast.

y/n" come on ace we are heading back home" You are walking around trying to find ace but he soon finds you and soon enough you both leave the park.

?????" give me all your money little girl" you soon had someone standing in a red mask looking at you.

Y/n" I don't...."

Red mask 2" oh come on little rich girl you tell us your dear old dad didn't give you any money"

Red mask 3" I say we beat her up and kill the dog" You soon make a dash for it with an ace and run towards the railroad tracks, you know you could take a shortcut back to the house a be safe.

Red mask 4" you can't get away sortie"

?????" what going on here"

Red mask 1" boss" you soon see the red hood standing right in front of you, you knew about him and his gang of outlaws and he was the new crime boss in town.

Red hood" oh look it, little miss, rich girl"

y/n" please just let me and my dog go"

Red hood" sorry short fry can't let that happened" when he called your short fry that when it hot you, the only person who called you that was Jason.

y/n" what did you call me"

Red hood" I called you short now had me over your money now, or I will let my boys hurt you" you gave them what you had your coat pockets and pants pockets.

Red hood" all of you get back to the base I will deal with miss rich here"

red mask 5" yes sir" soon all the red mask guys left and now you are standing alone with the red hood.

y/n" Jason is that you how are you alive"

Red hood" That name is not Jason kiddo"

y/n" you are him you called me the nickname you always called me... come on Jason let go home father and everyone will be happy to see you"

Red hood" sorry kid that can't happen I'm never coming home for anyone even you"

Y/n" but Jason we are family...."

Red hood" no we are not y/n I always hated you and so did all our other so-called brothers, we are all fine with damine and soon enough you came and ruined everything we had"

y/n" Jason you don't m...."

Red hood" oh yes I do ... and get this everyone knows I was alive for while everyone but you and the stupid mutt.... he might be the only one who really love you in our family and social group"

y/n " Jason...."

Red hood" don't call me that you stupid brat I wish father never came home with you, and just left you with some other superhero family...but hey maybe you would have ruined their lives as well"

y/n"...." you started to cry a bit and that when ace started barking at Jason.

Red hood" I can't believe you really thought we had a sibling relationship y/n. It was nothing and you might want to start questioning your friendships with other People... because it seems like everyone had gotten paid to be your friend"

Red hood" well I have to get going and... y/n one more thing never come or speak to me okay I, done with the past and you" Red hood soon dissapred on his motorcycle and that when you fall to the floor crying and screaming. Soon enough you had gotten home and feed ace, you had gone into your room and looked upon your computer of some boarding schools. You were going o do everyone in the family and everyone else a big fair and just go away.

Hours later

y/n" I really want to go to this school father I... think some time away from here will do me the best"

Bruce" but dear I all the way in London will you be home sick"

Y/n " I might but it the best for me father the school is called Pinewood School for Girls"

Bruce" sure dear if you want to go there then I approve"

y/n" thank you father"

Bruce" hey maybe you can come home for the holidays and breaks a see everyone"

y/n" sure... father I will do that" you soon left your father's office fast and went back into your room.

y/n" everyone will be happy when I'm gone and hey maybe I can start a new life there and be a new person"

Ten-week later

Bruce" you have everything you need dear"

y/n" yes father I do"

bruce" well the limo will take you to the airport and a private plane will fly you to London"

y/n" yes father"

Bruce" remember to call me when you get there"

y/n" yes dad goodbye"

Bruce" bye dear" you hugged your father and Alfred goodbye, you even hugged ace twice before you left. You wanted to hug your other brothers but if Jason was right they all might be overjoyed you are leaving so you just gave them a handshake and you soon got into the limo. You had opened a small box your father had given you this morning to see cards and gifts from everyone on the team wishing you good luck and how much they will miss you.

y/n" sure you will miss me... every funny" you closed the box and placed it on one of the trucks holding your things.

y/n" goodbye Gotham we will meet again sometime in the near, future" you soon arrived at the airport and go on the plane.

y/n" everyone will be happy .... everyone will be happy without me..."

If you will like to see a part 2 of these please comment below and I will see what I can do for you all. 

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