Batman daugter - you are his secert child

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( the reader will be raised in the same way Damien was raised but this time Damien, had been raised by Bruce all the time and he has better relationships with the other robins)

It has been a few months since you moved into Wayne manor to live with your second father and his sons, your father Tarun al ghul had dropped your off at Gotham without saying goodbye to you. You are in the training area practicing some of your material arts skills. You hated being left here and every time you called you father or grandfather to come get you they won't answer.

Y/n " I have to be better a clan leader dose not mess up"

???? " hey kiddo I came for see what you are up to" you turned around to see dick standing there with a smile in his face.

Y/n " hello"

Dick " Alfred said you been down here all day you didn't even have breakfast or lunch"

Y/n " I'm not hungry":

Dick " okay .... so have you been getting along with father"

Y/n " maybe"

Dick " hey I know you might not be comfortable here but we are happy to have you here, and I think your other father will come and see you he has to right...."

Y/n " maybe"

Tim " hey dads wants all of us at the watch tower"

Dick " cool hey you can finally see the watch tower and meet everyone else"

Y/n " ......" soon enough you and the guys arrived at the watch tower you are wearing some assassins suit, you had be given before you left your family.

Batman " y/n I will like you to meet black canary you will have having some meetings with her"

Black canary " hello y/n you father and brothers had told me so much about you"

Y/n " .......":

Black canary " come and we will start are first meeting" you follow black canary into a small room with a chair and some couch, and you soon understood you were in session about you emotions.

Y/n " I don't need some one to talk about my issues with miss"

Black canary " I know but maybe it will be for the best there have been reports about, your behavior"

Y/n " what behavior"

Black canary " oh how you don't laugh or even smile it seems, like you hide you emotions from others"

Y/n " because if useless fo show any emotions"

Black canary " I think maybe you should start showing more emotions around the other...."

Y/n " ......" you soon walk out to room and don't say anything while black canary follows you, you soon come across your father and brothers.

Y/n " I don't need mental or whatever you call it help just leave me alone .... and if you are so sick of me just call my father and he will probably have someone come and get me ... and finally kill the daughter he always hated"

Batman " I just want to help you .... your my daughter I need to make sure were okay"

Y/n " I wish my father did what my grandfather asked him to"

Jason " what was that"

Y/n " kill the useless girl which is me because it seems like everyone here think I'm useless as well"

Damien " no we don't think that you our sister ...."

Y/n " just leave me alone okay ..... my father seems to be good that it because he a,ready has new kid the son he always wanted he just need to get rid of me his major issue" you soon push pass your father and his son and soon leave the watch tower, you did have emotions but you didn't like to show them to others. All your life your father was your hero and someone who made you laugh about after hearing someone say your father might have a son out there it broke you.

Y/n " I hate you I wish I was never you daughter" you toss the necklace your father had given you when you were younger off a cliff where you were sitting and it soon fall into the water, tears soon start falling down your face.

???? " hey kid" you looked up a bit and see Batman standing there with the guys you soon wiped away your tears.

Dick " hey is everything....."

Y/n " no my father the man I looked up to all my life replace me like I was nothing to him, why did he do that"

Bruce " because it him y/n he has issues showing love to anything or anyone even your mo..... but hey you have me and your brothers here and you will help you out"

Y/n " thank you I'm sorry about ....":

Bruce " it okay I was in the wrong for bring you to that meeting anyway without asking you anyways" you hugged Bruce and he hugged you back and it was the first time some one hugged your without trying to seek attack you. A few we'll later you had gotten an new shits which had some colors in it, and made you feel great.

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