Daughter reader - your brother and their friends watch you and then lose you

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Four old you had been taking to the justice league earth base, and you had been placed in your brother watch while your fathers meet with the other superheroes. 

Bruce" watch your guy's sister and don't let her out of your boy's sight" 

Tim" we know" 

Conner " she will be fine with us what can go wrong" 

Clark" if anything happens to call us" 

John " we will" 

Damien" we are going to make sure she safe" 

Clark" good" you are playing on the ground with Jason and Conner, everyone thought still will go well but no it won't. 

Bruce" bye sweetie behave for you brother" 

y/n" o...k" 

Clark" good boys stay of trouble" 

Dick" we will" soon enough when your father left your brother finds showed up, you seemed not to care that much about any of your brother's guy friends. 

Wally" hey guys do you want to go check out this cool villain base" 

Dick" we can't we have to watch y/n" 

Wally" oh come one she will be fine alone we will be there and back fast" 

Apollo" wally right or do you want to take a baby on the trip with us" 

Conner" fine we can leave her for a short amount of time" 

y/n" behave" 

Tim " we will behave but you have to help us out and not tell dad okay" 


Dick" we will give you candy" 


Damien" we will give you two pieces of candy and cookies" 

y/n"yes "

mat" I have a feeling this will end badly" 

Wally " Oh come on what can a baby do that is so bad, and it not like she going anywhere" soon the guys gave you what they promised and soon left. You had bitten into the candy to release it was nasty and tossed it away. You soon had gotten bored and very lonely and that when you saw Krypto the super dog come into the room. 

y/n" doggie" you soon got up and walk towards Krypto who was super happy to see you, and soon enough you started to play with him. You had tossed a ball into a transporter device and Krypto ran after it and he soon disappeared and you went after him laughing and clapping your hands. You soon release you and Krypto are on a beach and soon enough you see someone or something else shows up on the beach it was ace. 

Y/n" ace...ace" you hug ace while he looks at you and Krypto both dogs though, that sometimes you were going to cry but no you decided to pick up some seashells and put them in kiddie bucket you had found and made a sandcastle. 

y/n" ....." you seemed to be happy more fun with the two dogs and the beach verse wondering where you are. You were in no rush to get back to the boring place everyone had left you early today. That when you started to show you had some of your father's superpowers because you decide to chase down a carb after it ran off with one of your shells.

At the base 

Dick"y/n we are back... hey do you want to go to the park" 

Tim" where is she" 

Wally" check in the other rooms she might I walked into there" 

Conner"sure" everyone was looking for you trying to find you before any adults had gotten back, and then everyone will be in trouble. 

John" we are going to be grounded until we go off to college" 

Damien" we are so dead" 

Jason " if we find here before they get back we are good" 

Apollo" she might not even be here" 

????" who is she" all the teenage boys turned around to see your father and their mentors standing there. 

Dick" hey dad how was the meeting" 

Clark" it was good... but we are taking a break and came to check on your boys and y/n... wait where is your sister" 

John" well you see..." 

Clark" boys" 

Conner" one day we are going to look back at this and all laugh" 

Bruce" where is y/n" 

Dick " we don't know... you see we left her here while we went on a mission and when we came back she was gone... see we can laugh about this later" 

Flash" You all lost her" 

Wally" or she might be doing a cool magic trick" all the adults look at wally not even smiling or laughing. 

Bruce" ..... I don't know to kill your boy or grounded you all"

Tim " I love to be grounded....sorry" red tornado shows up into the room. 

Red tornado" one of the deceives has been used and there camera tape of y/n walking threw the device" red tornado show everyone the clips and it shows you chasing after Krypto and ace chasing after you. 

Bruce" do you know where they went" 

Red tornado" to a beach" 

Clark" okay now let go get your sister before something bad happens" 

back with you 

you are still picking seashells and after letting the carb go, but you soon saw a few monkeys and you wanted to see what they wanted. 

????" what are you doing" you soon see your dad standing right next to you with a smile on his face and you show him the wonderful seashells you have. 

Clark" you seemed to be having fun" 

y/n" yes" 

Clark" come on let's get you home for a bath and lunch you are covered in sand and seawater..and you can take the seashells with us back home" 

y/n" yeah" soon your father left the beach with you and the dogs and when you got home, Alfred gave you a bath and feed you lunch while your brothers are getting talked to by your dads. They and their freinds were all grounded later on that day, for leaving you alone and breaking the rules. 

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