Alone (on Christmas)

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Okay I know it's March but I was just listening to Quiet Uptown (If you get my references to the song then we should see if we are compatible for friendship) and I'm think to myself I should do a sad one shot that becomes happy. Things to know: Tony doesn't know Peter or Spider-Man. Tony is alive with Morgan and he is still figuring out this parenting thing. Morgan is 7 and Peter is 14 but he started when 12(I wanted to make him younger and I'm making it if you guys want a part 2 he will meet Ned when he's 15) May needs to work ALOT more to support them including Peter's cafe job. Sorry for the long AN let's get started.

Third POV
It was Christmas morning and Peter was happy but not really excited. He already knew that May would be working until midnight even though she goes to work at 5am. He wills himself out of bed gets dressed brushed his hair and teeth had breakfast and gets to his job. He likes his boss and everyone their but it's sometimes not enough pay for him to be able to pay for extra food hence his fast metabolism so he was always hungry and was very skinny.
Time skip after job
Peter was pretty annoyed he had to close the shop 15 minutes late because he had to explain to a Karen that you can't order an Iced Americano without ice but expect it not to get to room temperature in 15 minutes and that you can't put ice in a drink without it not being watered down. He ate then got on his Spidey suit.

Peter POV
I get on my suit and decide to swing around kill some time. But there's not any crime just lighted windows and family dinners. I stop swinging and come to the streets and start walking. A man comes up to me, I don't sense any danger but I don't really feel like talking. Oh great a camera to how fun.
Guy: Spider-Man why are you here on Christmas
Spider-Man: Bad things don't stop for holidays
Guy: But your a hard worker, you deserve a break
Spider-Man: When the bad things happen.And you have the power to stop them. They happen and they happen because of you.
Guy: Oh... can I have a picture with you?
Spider-Man: *more happy* Sure
The guy takes his picture and walks off I realize I walk past Queens and into New York City they have a pretty park here. I find the park and let my memories consume me bad and good.* his memories are in italics*
His parents helping him blow out candles for his 7th birthday
The lullaby May sang to calm him down when he learned they died
Ben teaching him with great power comes great responsibility
Ben dying in his arms
The job shifts that May had to pick up
His new job
Gwen, Mary Jane dying from the clock tower (he was 13 and Harry doesn't exist)
Flash's bullying
As the bad thoughts start to out way the good I slump down pull the mask up a little so I can breath better and sobs start to shake through my body. I don't care though I'm to tired sad and hungry.(These are thoughts now)
Maybe if only it was him instead of Ben then May would smile and it would be enough
It's all my fault, their deaths it's all my fault
If I was better, faster, stronger they would be alive
I deserve Flash's bullying
Everyone who loves me will die
I bet May will go soon because I'm to slow, weak, not strong enough
Merry Christmas to me Merry Christmas to me I let all my friends and all almost all my family because I'm too weak Merry Christmas to me

Meanwhile in the Stark house (cabin)
Tony POV
I'm glad we got a big house having all the avengers plus Pepper and Morgan it's a little crowded. I feel a small tug on my leg. It's Morgan
Morgan: Can I go to my favorite park? By myself?
Tony: But it's late Morguana (I think I spelled that right)
Then she gives me the puppy dog eyes oh the puppy dog eyes. Not even Eyepatch himself can say no to them. Not Nat either. I assume because Nat's been training her and she knows how to take out a kidnapper. Easily.
Tony: Fine but turn on the tracker in the watch and be back in an hour if not Pepper is gonna kill me. How about this you can go by yourself if you don't tell Pepper and if does find out puppy dog eye so I don't get in trouble. Deal?
Morgan: Deal!!

Morgan POV place skip to park
I start to walk down to the play ground but first I walk the trail to it. I see this figure he's shaking and he has his knees to his chest. Why its Christmas. But I remember not everyone is happy or celebrates Christmas. I walk closer and realizes it Spider-Man! He's like my favorite hero besides Daddy of course I approach him.
Morgan: Hello?

Peter POV
To me...
man I'm freezing. Seriously tho
Then I get pulled out of my trance when a little girl says hello.
Spider-Man: *tries to act happy but his eyes are obviously still sad yes you can tell from his eyes and his mouth is still up* Hi are you lost? Do you need help finding your guardian?
Morgan: No it's fine but you seem sad. Why aren't you with your family assuming that you celebrate Christmas?
I'm just glad she can't see the tear tracks on my eyes.
Spider-Man: *still masked emotions* My Aunt works and it's just memories, thoughts.
Morgan: * very convincingly and confidently* Come with me.
I stand up but I'm still not sure if I should go with her.My Spidey senses say she's fine but won't parents get mad?
Spider-Man: *he is confusion* Are- Are you sure wouldn't you get into trouble. I-I wouldn't want that because of me.
Morgan: *With puppy dog eyes * I'm sure I won't get in trouble. I can convince a lot of people things.
Spider-Man: Okay if you say so..
She grabs my hand with permission first and I'm guessing she's bringing me to her house? I don't really know? I'm just cold.

Place and time skip to Morgan's house.
We get to her house and she knocks and some guys probably her dad but it's to quick to tell grabs her wrist and pulls her inside. I'm still freezing and wrap my arms around me for extra warmth. After  a while a woman opens the door. She gasps and I look up and the woman is Pepper Potts the Pepper Potts! I'm fangirling on the inside but won't let it show.
Spider-Man: I should probably leave
Pepper: Of course not dear. Come in
I walk into the cabin and there are the avengers the people I have been evading for a while. I turn to walk out the door.
Tony: Stay it's Christmas and we want to get to know you.
Spider-Man: Okay...
Pepper: Morgan sweetheart how about you get some things you got for Christmas to show Spider-Man and maybe something to do?
Morgan: Okay momma
Now that Morgan is gone I can talk freely without harming her joy and happiness.
Spider-Man: Wait! Wait! I know you have questions but  let me tell you my story. I was in 7th grade and my class was taking a trip to Oscorp. I got bit by a radioactive spider. Then a week after I developed my powers I decided to get money from them. Mind you I was 12. Then when I came home with bruises one night me and my uncle got into a fight. I went for a walk and he followed me about 5 mins after I left. I didn't stop a robber by holding out my foot and that same robber shot my uncle. I ran to the scene and caught my uncle after he got shot. His last words were to me and it was with great power comes great responsibility. So I live by that. The rest that has happen to me really isn't important to why I started but why I got better. I'll answer anything as long as you don't tell SHIELD I don't want identity getting leaked.Questions?
By the end I had new tears rolling down my face but Spider-Man has to much confidence for that the crying is Peter Parker's job.
Tony: Who are you
Spider-Man: I'm Peter Parker
Pepper: Will you take off your mask.
Spider-Man: at the end of this Q&A Mrs. Potts
Sam: Why aren't you with your family?
Spider-Man: My mom and dad died in a plane crash when I was 7. Ben was shot when I was 12 and my Aunt works from 5am to midnight so we can afford the apartment that I grew up in even though I have a job from 3 to 8.
Steve: How old are you?
Spidey: 14
Steve: Okay that's to young but a fun question. What'd you get for Christmas
Spidey: A box of tools , May says can afford for me to have something. I say it's fine. She pulls up enough money to get me a gift I do the same for her.
(Sam doesn't like Peter in case your wondering)

Word count: 1608
There will be a part two of this I just think only one is to long. I have no idea  what this is, or what I'm doing but good bye for now.

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